So, we currently have a compact car and a Honda CRV. We really love the CRV, but know that a mini-van is in our future. I mean, especially if we ever have a third kid (please God let us have a third kid in the future), even now, on big road trips, it's a really tight squeeze with all the beach goodies in the back, two carseats, etc.
So, we have considered a mini-van as our "next car purchase." When DH took in the CRV for an oil change today they are kind of desperate for used cars and apparently it's worth more than we thought. So we were wondering if we should go ahead and trade it in. But, vans are CRAZY expensive! We obviously wouldn't pay cash for it, but put down as much as we can from the trade-in value and finance the rest. But, of course there's good financing for new cars, but not for the used and more affordable ones.
Anyway, I know everyone's financial situation is different, but I know a lot of people have mini-vans and I'm wondering how do you all do it without breaking the bank? Save money for a long time? Extend financing to a whole lot of years? Just bite off a bigger monthly payment than you'd like? Or maybe you all are rich and just have loads of money that we do not.
Anyway, I'd love to hear how others make it work! I'd love a mini-van on road trips!