I nurse LO (7.5 months) to sleep for her naps and she goes down great for me and takes nice long naps, so that isnt the problem. I am more concerned that she naps horribly at other people's houses, for both our sitter or when we take her somewhere. Our sitter has a hard time getting her to nap and I feel badly that it takes so much work, and LO is pretty tired from lack of sleep during the days where the sitter has her (only 2 days a week). Also, when we take M to other people's houses, I try nursing her to sleep and she fights it and fights it because it's probably a different environment, so its frustrating there as well. It seems like she only naps well at home.
SO my quesion is, would nap training help her sleep better at other places besides home? or would it not really make a difference? if you nap trained and try to put LO to sleep at other places, do they go down easily or do they still fight it? trying to see if it will be worth it or not...