Hear me out! We are going to a wedding out of town this weekend in which my DH is a groomsman (kiddos staying behind with the ILs!) It's a college friend of his. DH and I met post-college so, although I know them through events such as this, I'm not close to them. DH will be doing wedding events all day and the ceremony (catholic mass) is at 3 pm. I'd go to the ceremony solo. Then the wedding party does a party bus until the reception at 530. I'm tempted to just meet DH at the reception. I know the groom but haven't even met the bride. I'm sure no one will even notice I wasn't there except another groomsman's wife. It'd be nice to just have the day to myself (which is selfish, but also a rarity!). Don't let my obvious preference sway your vote. Honest opinion, what would you do?