i had my first rude pregnancy comment tonight, and i can't get it off my mind. i don't know if it's the hormones or it's because it's something i've been self-conscious about, but i can't seem to shake it. it's so weird because i never spend time worrying about people's opinions of me... i almost always feel good about myself.

tonight we went to dinner with my aunt, and her first comment to me was, "wow! you don't even look pregnant... you just look like you ate way too much already!" uh.... so, i'm fat? thanks. i've been dying for that perfect round obviously pregnant belly, and i've been worried that maybe i just look even fatter than normal. my family has reassured me that i do, in fact, look pregnant, but my aunt's comment really threw me off. whether i look pregnant or not... why is it suddenly okay to tell me i look fat? not what this hormonal preggy needs to hear!

i know i'm not alone. people don't seem to filter themselves anymore. what kind of comments have you gotten and how do you deal with them?