What is something that you've never done, but feel like as an adult maybe you should have done?
I'll go first:
I had to Google how to cook a burger stovetop tonight, because in my nearly 30 years of life I've never cooked a burger. 🤦♀️
What is something that you've never done, but feel like as an adult maybe you should have done?
I'll go first:
I had to Google how to cook a burger stovetop tonight, because in my nearly 30 years of life I've never cooked a burger. 🤦♀️
nectarine / 2964 posts
I've been to all kinds of performances: broadway musicals, plays, opera, stand ups, symphonies, ballets, disney on ice (haha), kabuki ....etc. But I have never been to a concert (by a musician / band) in my entire life....
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@irene: I haven't been to one in probably 15 years, but my husband got us tickets to see my favorite band this spring! It's overwhelming and exciting all at the same time
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@Sams Mom: I have to google cooking things all the time. Like I have hard boiled eggs many times, but have to check the directions every time.
Mine is way worse- draft a will. We WILL get that done this year. It's one of my thoughts that keeps me up at night.
Also most home maintenance, like mow a lawn. Can't be that hard, but never have.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Foodnerd81: I really need to finish our trust/will/guardianship in case of both of us dying in a horrible accident paperwork. 🤦♀️ I've worked on all of it, just not finished any of it
nectarine / 2809 posts
I have never properly learned how to fold a fitted sheet. I have been taught—by my mom, by YouTube, by Good Housekeeping and Martha Stewart. Still, nope... no idea.
cherry / 160 posts
cook a holiday dinner. we always go over to one of our parents so I've never had to cook thanksgiving or christmas dinner beyond bringing a side dish or dessert (I'm 33).
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Alexandra603: THIS! I finally stalked my mom throughout the turkey process this year, hopefully I can duplicate it when necessary.
grapefruit / 4361 posts
I don't really cook actual meals, especially not family ones. My husband cooks for himself, I eat easy one-item meals, and my kid gets some of mine or an odd assortment of his 25 favorite items that take 5min or less to prep.
I just typed up will stuff today finally, and talked it over with our friends who agreed to be our guardians tonight (yayyyy) and need to run the info by the grandparents and make it an "official" will. My kids are 3 and 1.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@CatchAFallingStar: my sister spent the first few years of her career in hospitality in housekeeping, she folds them for me
pomelo / 5621 posts
@Alexandra603: I cooked my first turkey dinner this year at Christmas and I’m 36!
We don’t have wills and is at the top of the list of must get done.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@ALV91711: wills and trusts wouldn't even be on my radar is my husband wasn't in law enforcement and we didn't have crazy relatives that would drag everything through probate for no reason. 🤦♀️
kiwi / 500 posts
We’re working on our wills! We didn’t think much about it until my in-laws sat down with my DH to discuss their wills. Apparently, I am being excluded because I’m not a blood relative. Fun times!
I had no idea how to change out a toilet seat last week. I had to google how to get the thing off and install the new one.
persimmon / 1390 posts
Replace the tube in a bike/stroller wheel. I’m not a cyclist so never learned and it wasn’t a big deal, but I completely rely on my husband to change the tubes in our stroller wheels. Of course we only get flats when he’s not around, which are also the times I need the stroller the most!
persimmon / 1381 posts
@Foodnerd81: I’ve never mowed the lawn either! And don’t plan to if I can help it
pomelo / 5573 posts
Wills, yes. I've never cooked a turkey and every holiday I think "I need to learn how to do this" and then I get lazy and let my mom do it. I've never done my own taxes - my dad always did it and then my boyfriend/husband.
eggplant / 11716 posts
@Becky: I definitely don't know how to do that. I should learn! I have 2 flat tires on my dumb bike right now.
I've also never changed my own tire. I always had my dad/boyfriend/husband/roadside assistance do it. My dad tried to teach me before I went to college, but honestly--I could never get the lug nuts off myself anyway. And when I watched my dad do it, he had to stand and jump on the wrench to get the lug nuts off, and it's already precariously lifted by the jack--I dunno, I just don't want to do it myself, lol.
But now that I drive 2 kids around, I really should learn. I'm sure it's way faster to put on a spare yourself rather than wait 1-2 hours for roadside assistance with two kids in the car.
eggplant / 11716 posts
Guys--just to alleviate your concerns! Cooking a turkey is really, really easy.
Literally the hardest part (for me) is lifting the dang thing to do stuff with it, like wash off the skin, put butter on it, flip it over, etc etc. It's so heavy and even the fresh turkeys are always frozen on the inside, so the innards are like stuck to the inner cavity and I have to chip them out with an ice pick. But the cooking part is easy-peasy as long as you have a meat thermometer.
pear / 1728 posts
Ugh, yes definitely a will. DH and I talk about it all the time but keep putting it off.
I also can't do almost anything related to home maintenance (lawn, changing air filters, etc) and I have no clue how to change a tire. I didn't know how to pump gas until I went to college because my dad always filled my car up for me
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Anagram: it's not too bad, if you get a good 4 way tire iron instead of the crappy one that comes with car. My dad made each of us change a tire in the gravel driveway in the rain before we could get our licenses 🤦♀️
pomegranate / 3355 posts
I need to wean my almost 2 yo DS from his bedtime bottle..... ugh.. I just can't make myself do it. He loves it so much and it's so routine now...
pomegranate / 3973 posts
Install or uninstall a car seat! I don't even want to try, I just make DH do it for me. I've tried to uninstall one before and the latches were too hard and I gave up.
... and a will.
@Ajsmommy: We took Em's away at like 18 months, maybe later. I was sooo scared to do it, but we just hid them all, told her they were gone, and she switched to a sippy no problem!
pomelo / 5258 posts
Pretty much anything to do with electronics: purchasing, installing, troubleshooting. DH loves doing all of that and we've been together since before I owned anything technological (besides the computer my parents sent me to college with).
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@josina: I try to avoid this too I got a wild hair when I was about 7 months pregnant to install the base to the infant seat in my car... It was below freezing, and almost 11:00 at night 🤦♀️ I couldn't get it in, was crying in the driveway that I'd be a shit mom if I can't even install a car seat base.
Needless to say my husband does it 95% of the time now
pomegranate / 3973 posts
@Sams Mom: Just last week DH asked me to put DS's seat back in his truck... outside, in the dark. I spent a minute trying to figure out where the dang belt went through the back of the seat and gave up. Sorry dude, I tried. Your job. lol.
apricot / 390 posts
Yeahhhh, I had to google how to jump a car this morning. Because it was like 2*F and I forgot to warm up my car, but had to stop for gas. It wouldn't start after the attendant finished pumping. Thank goodness for my saintly brother-in-law.
persimmon / 1286 posts
i've never taken my kid on a plane! and now with 2 it will be way harder.... regardless, ishould really do that soon!
honeydew / 7235 posts
I don't know how to change a tire in case I get a flat!
I told my husband the other day to teach me.
cantaloupe / 6171 posts
You all are reminding me we need to write a will!
I need to re-learn how to drive a car. I have a license but I think I've driven only twice in the last 13 years or so. We even have owned a car for 6 or so of those last 13 years, but only dh drives it! Dh has literally only ever seen me drive once for 5 mins, when he got fed up with being my chauffeur and pulled over to switch seats haha. I've never driven with my kids. (this is less extreme than it seems since we've lived in NYC almost this whole time and lots of people never drive in the city...)
blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts
All the home maintenance stuff. Especially HVAC. We've had so much repair work done in the past couple years and I've only recently learned what our system even *is.* I'm like, I just want it to blow hot or cold when I turn the thermostat up or down. K thx.
pomelo / 5220 posts
Ok I'll soothe all of you a little bit but not much about the will stuff -- it's not about your estate. That will go to your spouse if you predecease them (with a bunch of caveats about step kids and stuff that I won't get into.) Most people just have estates that automatically transfer to the beneficiaries - like joint bank accounts go to your joint account holder, joint real estate goes to the other owner, life insurance policies have named beneficiaries, etc. BUT it IS about guardianship of your kids if something happened to you and your spouse at the same time. So get that in place. [End lawyer rant.]
I choose to bury my head with understanding some mortgage stuff. Like prime and points and things like that. I know I could figure it out but I trust DH to do that. I handle the bills so I understand the finances, I just don't like to think about mortgages. Because I hate debt and I hate interest mostly.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
I also haven't done the will/guardianship thing... the reason being that there aren't really great solutions for what to do with LO if something happened to both of us DH is an only child, his parents are already too old to care for a child, my only sibling lives in the deep south and is not at all progressive and in general has different values (LO is biracial and I cringe at the thought of him growing up there), my parents would be good for now but by the time LO is in high school they would be pretty old, and its a big ask from friends... so I'm not sure where that leaves us... maybe my parents for the time being and then reevaluating as they get older... How have others thought through this?
nectarine / 2018 posts
@periwinklebee: that's basically what we have done for now - list my mom and stepdad as guardians but plan on reevaluating in a few years. We have ruled out all of DH's siblings and step siblings. I have two half sisters that we would consider in the future but they are much younger, currently 16 and 19, so maybe in 6+ years the older could be an option. Or we might feel more comfortable listing friends at some point. It sucks when you don't feel like there is a great option.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@periwinklebee: we chose my older sister, which is hilarious because we fight like cats and dogs.
BUT, she has 3 stepdaughters 4-7 years older than our son. Our son loves the girls, my sister would raise him in line with what we would, she has a very flexible job, our parents would still see him regularly because he would be in state with family, and actually the biggest reason we chose them was because I knew she would be a better person than I in ensuring that he sees my in laws too. We're no contact now, but at the time I couldn't stand to be around them, my husband and I agreed that they WOULD NOT be the ones to raise him, but felt that they should be able to see him some. My little sister might hate my FIL more than i, and she wasn't in the stage of life to take on a baby if we died the day after we decided, our best couple friend would be amazing but they live 2 states away from all of our family.
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