Hellobee Boards


Spring Into TTC! June 2014 POAS Thread

  1. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    @annette hope we both get soon too! I was going to skip tomorrow and test Monday but maybe I will do it... Just for you I mean

  2. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @Annette: @Circusbee: Best of luck ladies!
    @angelachase: Cycle still all wonky? I am hoping you know one way or the other.

  3. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

     February/March 2015 Mum's    
    Aria, KBee, Marzipan - Congrats!!!

       June POAS Roll-Call:    
    6/2 - Angelachase
    6/7 - circusbee
    6/8 - Marym, MrsMccarthy, annette
    6/10 - Intotheocean
    6/11 - tam
    6/12 - Sheskrafty, pinkcupcake
    6/14 - Sunset840
    6/15 - Lulu Mom, lilyofthewest, onthemove, KelLeeLeee
    6/17 - Mrsstar, mrsvdv
    6/19 - googly-eyes
    6/20 - MeredithNYC
    6/21 - Anonysquire
    6/22 - PinkB
    6/23 - cmomma17, happybluebird, laughlines,
    6/25 - as time goes by, clover
    6/28 - raspberries
    6/30- simplyfelicity, Lu Lu Mom
    TBD: MrsBrewer, drjolene

    Rollovers to July   : Grizz, HellonHeels, nicholechris11212

    Cheerleaders *\o/*  : faithfertility, keepcalmcarrie, winniebee, bushelandapeck, anya, delight, septca

  4. Annette

    cherry / 203 posts

    Ugh, just started spotting this evening. I feel like AF could be just around the corner!

    @circusbee crossing fingers and toes for your BFP tomorrow or Monday!!

    @simplefelicity @intotheocean thanks anyways! Feeling very lucky to have found hellobee, you ladies (including all the future mamas on this board)are so wonderful!!!

  5. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @Annette: I'm sorry!

  6. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @Annette: Bummer, I'm sorry!

  7. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @Annette: I'm sorry

  8. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    @annette I'm sorry

    I ended up not testing this morning because I had gotten up to pee at 3:30am. But my temps are still high and I'm still very bloated (can barely button my jeans this morning!) so FX!

  9. angelachase

    apricot / 306 posts

    @simplyfelicity: Thanks for checking in on me! It's been a SUPER busy few days at work so I haven't had any time to be on the boards. I am now on CD2--I had a huge temp drop on Friday and AF arrived yesterday. I think the vitamin B6 lengthened my LP, which is why AF seemed "late." My LPs in the past have been 10ish days--this time it was 14 days.

    I am disappointed--I was really hoping to get KU this month--but our timing really wasn't ideal. Plus side is that now I can have a few drinks at our 4th of July party! I'm really, really hoping this new cycle is it for us though. Planning to use OPKs from the get-go this time.

  10. angelachase

    apricot / 306 posts

    @Circusbee: Good luck! I hope you're still in!

  11. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @angelachase: I'm sorry! I agree that OPKS would be a good idea for you. I am going to be using a digital kit I got off Amazon in a couple days. The cycle before last was kind of awful because I spent wayyyy too much time analyzing OPK test lines, so I went the easy route this time.

    I know it's cliche to say and it doesn't help when you are in the middle of disappointment but you will get your BFP soon. TTC is all about odds (unfortunately. ) Wishing you tons and tons of luck next cycle!

  12. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    Thanks @angelachase I hope so too! And FX this new cycle is it for you!

  13. intotheocean

    cherry / 128 posts

    @Circusbee: I have my fingers crossed for you!

    Of course I had a bfn, but my OPK's are still so bright positive even with a one hour hold. So I must really be ovulating this time. Even though it's kind of late at cd 21

  14. cmomma17

    honeydew / 7811 posts

    Annoyed. should have bd'd tonight but DH played xbox instead. We had already discussed today being o day (most likely) and I'm not one to do 100% of the initiating. Probably missing our chance this month

  15. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @cmomma17: Is he asleep? Grab the controller out of his hand and make it happen! Get down, lady!

  16. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @cmomma17: I think you need to do some initiating. Make it sexy, or making it demanding. Even demanding sex can sometimes be sexy. Just do it, girl! Don't let this month pass you by with regrets. Make him push pause, bang it out with Mario Brothers or whatever paused on the screen, then you can both resume whatever it was you were doing!

  17. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts


  18. ctegge0416

    cherry / 159 posts

    @Circusbee: I am on the TTC 6+ months board but I sometimes stop in a peak at what you ladies are up to lol HUGE congratulations!!!

  19. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    @ctegge0416 thanks!!! FX for your BFP soon!

  20. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @Circusbee: Congratulations!!!

  21. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @Circusbee: congrats!

  22. Annette

    cherry / 203 posts

    @circusbee YEAH BABY (literally!!!!) congrats that is totally awesome!!!

  23. Annette

    cherry / 203 posts

    Ok thought we could use a cute DH story to start the work week.., came home with a BBT thermometer yesterday to start temping this morning. Didn't really tell him all the details, just that it was used first thing in the am to track my cycle. DH wakes up beside me and the first thing he asks is " how is your temperature?" The tone in his voice was priceless, as if the BBT was some magical stick that made babies happen. Hahaha, love my man!!

  24. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    Thanks everyone!!

    @annette that is too cute!!

  25. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @Circusbee: Congratulations!!

  26. Kbee

    kiwi / 560 posts

    @circusbee: yayyyyy!! Congrats!!

  27. sheskrafty

    persimmon / 1165 posts

    @Circusbee: Congratulations!!!!

    @annette: that is very cute!! DH is always asking me about my temp although he still is unsure what it all means.

  28. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    Thanks for all the great support on Friday girls. As I expected, it was AF making me hyper emotional. But of course she decided to show up a couple days late just to toy with me.

    So I am officially out. I have my fingers crossed we can have as good timing this month as we did last and maybe this time it'll work out in our favor.

    @Circusbee: Congrats!!!

  29. Annette

    cherry / 203 posts

    @sheskrafty too funny! one time DH came home and asked "so how's your ovation going?" Had to remind him that "ovation" was a brand of chocolates! Haha nice that he asked as I was stressing about not getting a positive OPK at the time!!

  30. Annette

    cherry / 203 posts

    @marym sorry to hear that you are out. Wishing you the best next cycle though

  31. clover

    kiwi / 557 posts

    @Circusbee: Congratulations!!!

  32. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @Circusbee: Yay!!! Congrats! Come join us on the February board whenever you're ready.

    @MaryM: So sorry. Good luck next month!

  33. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @Circusbee: congrats

  34. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

     @circusbee: Yay! Congrats!

     February/March 2015 Mum's       
    Aria, KBee, Marzipan, circusbee - Congrats!!!

         June POAS Roll-Call:       
    6/7 - circusbee
    6/8 - MrsMccarthy, annette
    6/10 - Intotheocean
    6/11 - tam
    6/12 - Sheskrafty, pinkcupcake
    6/14 - Sunset840
    6/15 - Lulu Mom, lilyofthewest, onthemove, KelLeeLeee
    6/17 - Mrsstar, mrsvdv
    6/19 - googly-eyes
    6/20 - MeredithNYC
    6/21 - Anonysquire
    6/22 - PinkB
    6/23 - cmomma17, happybluebird, laughlines,
    6/25 - as time goes by, clover
    6/28 - raspberries
    6/30- simplyfelicity, Lu Lu Mom
    TBD: MrsBrewer, drjolene

    Rollovers to July     : Grizz, HellonHeels, nicholechris11212, MaryM, Angelachase

    Cheerleaders *\o/*  : faithfertility, keepcalmcarrie, winniebee, bushelandapeck, anya, delight, septca

  35. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @Annette: That is really adorable.

  36. marzipan

    grape / 87 posts

    @Circusbee: Yay! Congrats!

  37. HappyBluebird

    clementine / 957 posts

    @Circusbee: Congratulations!!

  38. Bea

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @Circusbee: congrats girl!!! Praying you have a happy and healthy nine months!

  39. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @Circusbee: Woohoo! Congratulations!

  40. intotheocean

    cherry / 128 posts

    @Circusbee: congrats!!!!!!! Omg yay!!!

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