Hellobee Boards


Spring Into TTC! June 2014 POAS Thread

  1. pinkcupcake

    cantaloupe / 6751 posts

    @googly-eyes: no, I don't think it'll affect anything bc the directions don't say anything about it comparing your LH levels. I think you were super lucky to catch the surge! Go get busy, lady!

  2. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @googly-eyes: No that wouldn't affect anything, get to bd'ing! I O'd on CD11 last cycle, so it's not too weird, you might have a long surge too.

  3. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    I love amazon! A 10 count CBE digital advanced is $40 at Walgreens vs $15 on Amazon.

  4. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @googly-eyes: three cheers for O! I have no experience with the digitals. I've heard that they are tricky because you really have to start them at the right time but they should be easier to decipher at least. Good luck!

    @simplyfelicity: sweet deal!

    I have a killer sore throat right now. Sucks ass.

  5. intotheocean

    cherry / 128 posts

    @simplyfelicity: will have to look that up!!!

  6. googly-eyes

    GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts

    @pinkcupcake: @KelLeeLeee: @MrsMccarthy: Thanks ladies. I just remember a looong time ago before even ttc #1 (who is now 20m) I used them once just to get an idea of when I was o'ing, we were still ttA, and I thought they said something about comparing or whatever, but this pack doesn't. It does instruct couples to "make love," though, haha. Hopefully it's accurate! I'll still test tomorrow and see.

  7. organicmama

    cherry / 230 posts

    Ok just checking in after a long, great day with family and friends... my cramping and iffy-feeling stomach has been relentless. I passed up banana splits at a jewelry party earlier today... not normal! Y'all, either I'm losing my mind or I'm pg. I literally must have checked for AF 30 times. I have never had cramping for this many days with no AF. But another BFN this a.m.! Tomorrow is 14 dpo and I took my last test this morning so I guess I will be running out to get more tonight. Here's to hoping we start out this month with GREAT news all around!!

  8. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @HellOnHeels: Hope you don't mind if I just add myself!

      June POAS Roll-Call: 

    6/2 - organicmama, Angelachase
    6/3 - Marzipan
    6/4 - nicolechris11212, Aria
    6/6 - HellOnHeels
    6/7 - Kbee, grizz, circusbee
    6/8 - Marym, MrsMccarthy, annette
    6/10 - Intotheocean
    6/11 - tam
    6/12 - Sheskrafty, pinkcupcake
    6/15 - Lulu Mom, lilyofthewest, onthemove
    6/17 - Mrsstar, mrsvdv
    6/18 - kelleeleee
    6/19 - googly-eyes
    6/20 - MeredithNYC
    6/21 - Anonysquire
    6/22 - PinkB
    6/23 - cmomma17, happybluebird, laughlines,
    6/25 - as time goes by
    6/28 - raspberries
    6/30- simplyfelicity

    TBD: MrsBrewer, drjolene

    Cheerleaders   : faithfertility, keepcalmcarrie, winniebee, bushelandapeck, anya, delight, septca

  9. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @organicmama: Fingers crossed!

  10. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @organicmama: sorry about the bfn today but hopefully a is coming soon! FX!

  11. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @organicmama: How long is your LP usually? Sounds promising!

  12. angelachase

    apricot / 306 posts

    @organicmama: Good luck! Really hope you see that BFP soon!

    I tested again yesterday and again got a BFN too--but if I did ovulate on CD20 instead of CD18, it would have been too early to get a positive. Today is CD30 and my temp is still high, but again woke up to cramps. I also took vitamin B6 this cycle after having an 8-day LP last time, so maybe AF will just take longer to get here. I swore I wouldn't test again until Wednesday!

  13. organicmama

    cherry / 230 posts

    @aria: thanks!! Same to you!

    @kelleeleee: LP is usually 14-15 days (my cycles are pretty much clockwork unless something stressful happens, like when I got Bell's Palsy a few months ago and delayed O cuz I was FREAKING OUT!) Lol!

    So HD convinced me to not go out last night to get more tests. (How on earth did I let him talk me into that??) He said just see if i start today and if not, get one on my way home from work. So now it's the morning of 14 dpo and no AF... Can I share some TMI?? So we DTD last night (even though I am crampy and not sure what's going on in there!) and I thought for sure that would spur things along in the AF dept if she was indeed coming... aaaand nothing! So we shall see what this day holds! And if I can hold out til after work

  14. organicmama

    cherry / 230 posts

    DH, not HD... Dang auto correct.

  15. Tam

    grape / 92 posts

    Only CD 26 and itching to POAS even though I know it is way too early. Hopefully I can hold out till next week.

  16. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    Ok I think I'm starting to understand why ladies tend to go a little nuts during the tww... had a few symptoms start yesterday and today and I keep wondering how I'm going to wait until Friday!!

  17. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    Ummmmm...I'm trying sooo soo hard not to get my hopes up, but look!! Clearly the control line is wonky, so I'm afraid it's an evap, but this batch is known for giving false negatives, not false positives. Nothing came up right away and I was sad, but about ten minutes later I saw a little something. My husband had just left for work, I called him freaking out and made him come back home to look at it and he said he thought it looked pink, not gray. I will definitely be testing again with a FRER later, I just have to hold my pee! I totally had to bust out my macro lens to take a pic of it. Ahh!!!

  18. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    omg @aria it looks like you are our first BFP of June! I see the line too, and it looks pink to me!! Are you 9 dpo today?

  19. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @Aria: I vote for FRER.

  20. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @Circusbee: Yeah, 9dpo

  21. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @Aria: holy yay!!! Just so you know, I have those tests, and my line looks like that, they haven't gotten any darker. You have to reallllly look to see the line. But on my frer's the lines are close to being the same colour. ( I know, sensitivities are different but I'm pretty sure those tests are messed up. I even used 2 different batches and got the same thing. I'm so happy for you! Hope to see you on the feb board!!

  22. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @Aria: This looks really really promising, fingers crossed!

  23. angelachase

    apricot / 306 posts

    @Aria: Aaahhh! Test again!

  24. sheskrafty

    persimmon / 1165 posts

    @aria: that is very exciting!! Test again!!!

    I am officially in the TWW (or 1.5 weeks if I'm lucky). The good news is that I tested multiple times on my digital OPK and finally got a smiley face on Saturday morning. The bad news is that we were going camping with DD and many other people that afternoon so we were luckily able to BD before our trip and when we got home on Sunday. Hoping that was enough!

  25. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @Aria: Woohoo! Test again and let us know!

    @organicmama: Ahhh, that's so nerve-wracking... are you getting any work done today?!

    Good luck to everyone this month!

  26. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @Aria: I vote FRER too! But looks good!!

  27. HellOnHeels

    clementine / 899 posts

    @Aria: FRER!!!

  28. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    @Aria: girl that's a positive I'm over 6 weeks pregnant and took a wondfo yesterday, and it was just slightly positive, but a FRER legit sucks all the control dye out. the wondfos are not the best tests test again with a FRER just to see the pretty lines! congrats!!!

  29. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    That was the longest 3 hours ever! I can't believe it, I'm in total shock. It's on a FRER, it's real!

  30. intotheocean

    cherry / 128 posts

    @Aria: it looks pink on my phone girl! Yayyyyy

  31. intotheocean

    cherry / 128 posts

    @Aria: yay! Congrats! Test again in a few days and it will be so dark! Lol

  32. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @intotheocean: I know I can't wait for it to get darker, I have to run out and buy more now! When I showed my husband this morning he was totally unimpressed. I don't think he quite realizes that they're not like OPKs, they don't have to be dark to be positive.

  33. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    yaaay!! congrats @aria!!

  34. HellOnHeels

    clementine / 899 posts

    February/March 2015 Mum's

    Aria - Congrats!!!

    June POAS Roll-Call

    6/2 - organicmama, Angelachase
    6/3 - Marzipan
    6/4 - nicolechris11212
    6/6 - HellOnHeels
    6/7 - Kbee, grizz, circusbee
    6/8 - Marym, MrsMccarthy, annette
    6/10 - Intotheocean
    6/11 - tam
    6/12 - Sheskrafty, pinkcupcake
    6/14 - sunset840
    6/15 - Lulu Mom, lilyofthewest, onthemove
    6/17 - Mrsstar, mrsvdv
    6/18 - kelleeleee
    6/19 - googly-eyes
    6/20 - MeredithNYC
    6/21 - Anonysquire
    6/22 - PinkB
    6/23 - cmomma17, happybluebird, laughlines,
    6/25 - as time goes by
    6/28 - raspberries
    6/30- simplyfelicity

    TBD: MrsBrewer, drjolene

    Cheerleaders : faithfertility, keepcalmcarrie, winniebee, bushelandapeck, anya, delight, septca

  35. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @Aria: Congratulations!

  36. Annette

    cherry / 203 posts

    @Aria AMAZING!!! Congrats - that's a beautiful looking line!!!

  37. sunset840

    cherry / 107 posts

    @HellOnHeels: Can i be added for 6/14.

  38. Annette

    cherry / 203 posts

    Serious symptom spotting over here. 6 DPO and my stomach has felt off all day. At 4 DPO (sat morning) I randomly threw up one time in the morning for no reason. I took my vitamins on an empty stomach which could have caused it, but I normally do that during the work week and nothing happens so I dunno!

  39. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @intotheocean: @Circusbee: @HellOnHeels: @mfa_lady: @Annette: Thank you!!

  40. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @Aria: Congratulations!!

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