So this cycle has been kind of off. AF started a day early while we were on vacation. I didn't temp while we were on vacation but started back up when we got home. This week, I've been sick with a cold/sinus infection. First my temps were kind of flatlined. Now they've been kind of high considering I've been sleeping with my mouth open because my nose has been so stuffy. I also haven't been sleeping very well due to being sick. FF gave me dotted crosshairs this morning. I'm not so sure I agree-FF thinks I ovulated on CD12 and I think I ovulated on CD15 due to some ovulation pain I had. All of this is unusual for me-I usually ovulate around CD17. I realize I've had an unusual month with being sick and on vacation but wouldn't that push my ovulation back? This is my 2nd cycle taking B50 complex (to lengthen luteal phase) and my 1st cycle drinking grapefruit juice (to increase CM)-would that have moved my O date up that much so soon?
Any thoughts? Should I go along with FF? Mostly I'm worried that we didn't BD enough (both sick and not real energetic) and we missed our window of opporunity..