Our neighbors said someone dumped a cat in our neighborhood last Friday (9 days ago). This morning I saw it and the poor thing was so skinny that I took it home, fed it, gave it some water and now I just don't know what to do.

It is not that I dislike cats or animals. We already have two labradors and clearly I have a soft spot in my heart for animals. I've never been super big into cats but this one seems super sweet and loving. It doesn't have front claws so I imagine that it was someones house cat that they decided they didn't want anymore. Perhaps it is just past the cute kitten stage and they don't really want a cat - I dont know. I don't know how anyone could just dump an animal someplace.

So I guess my plan is to take it to our vet and make sure that it is healthy or mostly healthy. I'm fine with treating it for paraisites etc but not comfortable with treating a cat with lukemia.

With all that said I'm not sure how a cat will fit in with our family - the dogs don't seem to mind the limited time they have spent with the cat (we are trying to keep them segregated until we know the cat doesn't have any bugs it can pass to the dogs) but what about cats and any future babies? I feel like I have heard cats and babies/prgnant ladies don't mix well. I've never cared for a cat. I'm not sure how I feel about cats on the counter. But I really don't want to just drop it off at a shelter and hope for the best.

Thoughts? Please be nice, I really am trying to help this cat and figure out if it will work out to keep it.