I feel like we really need to get on this issue with C. She's 2 and I feel like we're slacking. haha.
Anyway, we have a good chunk of money set aside for C already. We divvied up a chunk of DH's inheritance from his dad and it would cover probably 2-3 years of college. If we wind up with a 2nd LO, the amount will get split between them evenly. It's just sitting in a regular savings account right now. I'm trying to decide if something like a 529 plan is best or if rolling it into other investments that don't have to be used on higher education would be better.
Part of me struggles against putting it into a plan that has to be used on college. What if she gets a full-ride somewhere? What if she'd rather use it towards a down payment on a house or a wedding, or all 3? Is there a way to remove the money from a 529?
Explain this to me like Im 5, because I'm pretty investment/financially illiterate but I don't want her in the same position I was in with no college money and $$$$ in loans.