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The 'curse' of the second born child

  • poll: My second child is.....
    Easier than LO1 - no extenuating circumstances for either, they are just more chilled and laidback : (32 votes)
    39 %
    About the same as LO1 - both were easy/challenging to about the same degree : (9 votes)
    11 %
    Definitely more challenging - no extenuating circumstances, just a 'stronger' personality : (18 votes)
    22 %
    We had extenuating circumstances with one or more of our children which would affect our vote : (4 votes)
    5 %
    Our second is now baking and you have just scared the crap out of me! : (11 votes)
    13 %
    No second child - just voting to see the results : (8 votes)
    10 %
  1. SugarplumsMom

    bananas / 9227 posts

    Lol, sounds like my only! 😂

  2. erinpye

    pomegranate / 3706 posts

    Not true for us- both of my girls are high-needs and challenging. And awesome

  3. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    It's funny how we all use such different criteria when determining which child is the more challenging one! Both of my girls have been good sleepers, although DD1 was a freakishly good sleeper from the start, but in terms of behaviour, that is where DD2 is the more challenging one! I am not exaggerating when I say DD1 has never, in her 3.5 yrs of life, had a tantrum; for DD2, they have been a daily occurrence, usually multiple times a day, since about 15 months. She is also the one to find the one potentially dangerous item in a room of a thousand baby safe items! And she's in the throes of the 'NO!' stage, again something DD1 never went through. It's funny how different they all are - can't wait to see how #3 is!

  4. misolee

    persimmon / 1345 posts

    great... you scared me! (due soonish...)

    This is actually my biggest worry. I've heard this a lot bc my LO1 was fairly easy and still is. I've seen my friends and their experience and am terrified about my 2nd.

    The only sliver of hope I have is I was an older sister to a brother and my mom has always said he was the easiest one.

  5. erinpye

    pomegranate / 3706 posts

    @Ree723: haha both terrible sleepers, early nap droppers, and multiple tantrums a day here! My first may have even been more difficult, but I won't know until my littlest hits 2.5- that was the peak at which the tantrums were daily, hours long, and she hurt herself and us, and broke things. She's really a sweet and good child, they both are, they just have some strong temperaments ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  6. lemondrop

    bananas / 9118 posts

    Both? My second is much more laid back about life, but he really is SO mischievous and delightful. He's got my number. Spend two minutes on my IG and the troublesome glint in his eye is pretty obvious.

    My first is much more cautious, and very picky about rule following- he is my personality twin. We've had much more work to do with communication, so his semi-spectrum status may be an extenuating circumstance. While E looks like me, he has my husband's personality. I'm in so much trouble with this one.

    Regardless of what each of our definitions are for easier/more challenging, we can all agree that each child is so different, not something I'd really thought much about before my second arrived. Not that I was expecting C junior, but E is SO very different.

  7. BabyBoecksMom

    GOLD / papaya / 10166 posts

    So far, my 2nd is world's easier than my 1st! Which is great because I don't know that I could have done two super difficult children LOL

  8. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    Yes! My friends and I talk about this all the time. DS1 is so sweet and really has always just gone with it. DS2 is much more opinionated and clingy. He is still very good but is more work and I have to keep a close eye on him or I could very likely find him swinging from the light fixtures.

  9. Boogs

    hostess / papaya / 10540 posts

    This couldn't be more true for LO2. He is beyond exhausting!

  10. Mrs. Bee

    admin / watermelon / 14210 posts

    that's true of me and my younger brother, but olive has definitely been easier than charlie so not true for them!

  11. MrsKoala

    cantaloupe / 6869 posts

    I'm a second child and this is so not true for me. I was the easiest kid according to my mom and so easy going.

  12. sometimesshesings

    apricot / 358 posts

    This doesn't ring true for my family! My younger sister was MUCH easier than I was (she could sit quietly, hands folded, for an hour while I had dance practice when she was 2!) My husband was also much easier in temperament than his older sister (though, he did quietly make big messes). So far, our DS2 is an easier baby than DS1, but he's only 3 months old, so we'll see...

  13. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    So my second is only 4 months, but he's more clingy, a worse sleeper, but overall has a much easier going personality. If someone's holding him, he's happy as a clam. My first was a much tougher newborn and has stayed pretty high maintenance. Add to that I had ppd/ppa with #1 but not #2, so I really have felt #2 is easier.

  14. JessicaMcB

    apricot / 427 posts

    Our second born girl is and isn't like this article all at once. She's an astoundingly good sleeper, her and her older sister get on famously and she generally is chill and not requiring a ton of adult attention. However, she is by and far my most stubborn child, she is wild and fearless in a way my old has never been and gets into the wildest/grossest predicaments if left unattended for longer than 2 seconds. I prefer to think we have been given the gift of second child spirit- she's our wild child but in a way that makes us all better for being with her.

  15. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    So I'm the 2nd born and my mom always tells me what an easy baby/child I was and how difficult my older brother was from birth. So not true in our case

  16. lamariniere

    pineapple / 12566 posts

    It's true in our case, if you compare from age 1 onward. My older LO has been really easy, he's very serious, obedient, pretty calm. My younger one isn't a terror, but she's definitely more difficult than her brother.


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