So, I've been absent from the site for a bit. And in my absence I've been having a difficult time in my marriage. I really can't say, at least right now, that it was so awful that we needed to end the relationship. Or that I was so horrible of a wife. But maybe I'm just deflecting. Or in denial. Or any other coping mechanism.
That being said, my husband is leaving. He left. It's over. My daughter isn't even 2 yet. I failed her. I don't have family in this state that we moved to together (he's got his friends and family) and I don't know what to do. I also can't afford to even live on my own, way to go on being dependent, I know.
Would you pack up and move to your family? Or stay so your child can have her father close? We'd be 2 hours away.
Either way, heartbreak hotel...