Definitely my wife's mom! She loves the kids so much and is always traveling across the country (or the globe!) to see them. Truly inspiring! Definitely in the running for World's Best Grandma (Ever).
Definitely my wife's mom! She loves the kids so much and is always traveling across the country (or the globe!) to see them. Truly inspiring! Definitely in the running for World's Best Grandma (Ever).
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
My mom. All the kids at my son's preschool call her Nonna. She's everyone's Italian grandmother.
pineapple / 12566 posts
We don't see the grandparents that often but I would say my dad and my MIL are equally involved/hands on when we do see them. They both love to play with the kids and spend time with them.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
My mom! She's been one of the main caretakers of DD since day 1. My dad works so he's not as available. DH's parents live further out and don't drive highways so we don't hit them up for help as often.
grapefruit / 4321 posts
My dad! But he's the only one of the 4 grandparents who is fully retired. All the grandparents live a flight away, but my dad gets down to visit the most. When my 2nd was a brand newborn and my husband got very sick my dad didn't hesitate to get on a plane that day to come help (and then stayed for 3 weeks and handled all the cooking and cleaning! bless him).
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
My parents for sure. They bend over backwards to be helpful, my mom keeps the girls once a week for me, always willing to keep both kids overnight, they feed us dinner once a week. My parents are awesome. DH'S parents are nice and loving but they aren't nearly as hands on.
grapefruit / 4712 posts
My mom by far. She was N's main care giver when I worked and has always dropped everything to help us.
honeydew / 7917 posts
My FIL is very involved in our kids' lives. I can't say the same for my parents and MIL though.
cantaloupe / 6869 posts
MIL and SFIL. FIL is a pretty close second. My mom would definitely be more involved if she lived closer and so would my dad but they both live very far from us.
nectarine / 2641 posts
The most involved is my mom-she does part-time care. But they are all wonderful with the boys and love to play and engage, so I can't complain about that!
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
Well my mom lives with us and watches G during the day, so definitely her by default! We see my ILs a lot, though (when they're in town). Pretty much no communication with my dad and stepmom.
pomegranate / 3973 posts
Both my parents are great, and my MIL as well, but my dad is the best with DS, he's always the first to grab him and play with him. Kind of adorable.
kiwi / 554 posts
My mom! She's been such a huge help since DD was born in April. She's also going to provide part-time care when I go back to work. Unfortunately, DH's parents are pretty uninvolved.
persimmon / 1129 posts
My MIL is a saint. She watches DD two days a week and always offers to watch her on the weekends. My parents live far away and are generally kind of hands off so I'm so grateful for my in-laws!
pear / 1521 posts
My mom and dad. They watch LO two days a week; my dad works from home so he's a little less involved when she's there but loves having her around! My mom's life work is taking care of her kids and grand-kids
My ILs, ugh. There are health issues involved but it has still been so so disappointing and I can't imagine how my husband feels. They have not been to visit us since their visit when she was born (15 months ago). They live about 4 hours away but they have a vacation house very close to us (which they decided that the birth of their first granddaughter nearby was a good time to decide to sell it - hasn't happened yet though). I really can't believe how things have just been a disaster with them since her birth.
pomegranate / 3401 posts
Both sides, in different ways! My mom won't hesitate to jump in and cook and clean and feed the babies. My ILs are more of the "fun" grandparents, they will drive an hour to come pick up DD1 and whisk her away for a couple days of fun so I can have a break.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
When DS1 was an infant, I would have definitely said my mom. She LOVES babies, we lived close and she was all over it.
As DS1 grew into a toddler, then pre-schooler, and after we had DS2, my MIL became much more hands on with DS1 and really loves the "kid" phase so she's probably just as involved now.
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
My mom for the time being. That's only by default. She's closest to him for now. When DH visitef MIL for four days I think she would have done more for the baby if DH wasn't such a baby hog.
grapefruit / 4418 posts
My Inlaws. They are both retired and watch DD 3x a week and they just adore each other! We are so lucky!
pomelo / 5524 posts
It's a tie for my ILs. While my FIL watches LO1 every Monday, my MIL is amazing when they're together. She's so incredibly helpful and thinks up new things for LO1 to do. She's also making so many awesome things for LO2.
My parents aren't as involved because my relationship with my mom is very strained. She likes the idea of grandkids, but really only for show.
papaya / 10570 posts
My MIL and FIL are amazing. They volunteered to watch E 3 days a week to save us nursery fees and they will also watch S when I'm back at work. They do so much with E and she has a great relationship with them. My mum, on the other hand, barely bothers with us at all. She lives 4 miles away, but she doesn't drive and, although there is a good bus service, she has never visited off her own back. If I take E to visit her, she panics that E is going to break her ornaments and gets frustrated when she tries to talk to me about her health or problems at work and E interrupts. She has only seen S once in her 7 weeks of life, when my inlaws picked her up and brought her to the hospital the day S was born.
persimmon / 1345 posts
My mom! (And dad). She babysits all the time and is very active with her. LO1 loves spending the night at their house all the time.
Inlaws live on the other side of the world. But even when they did visit, they aren't very hands on
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