This is mainly a rant thread. =) And we all know those are fun sometimes. If you've seen my threads, you know I've had some crazy illnesses for the past 10 weeks. I'm at the point where I feel like I might punch the next person who tells me:
-"Just don't stress about it. The more you think about it, the worse you're going to feel". I usually just keep my mouth shut, but I have to suppress the urge to tell them to have a full body, itchy rash PLUS mono PLUS the other symptoms of an autoimmune disease and and then not think about it. The body recognizing a rash on itself and detecting full body itch is PRIMAL. You can't NOT think about it if it's happening. And that's the stupidest things I've ever heard. How about I burn off your fingers one by one and tell you not to think about, huh?
-"Have you tried__(Insert holistic thing here)_____? This one I'm happy to answer: FUCK YES I've tried that. I've tried EVERYTHING I've ever read about. And it all DID NOTHING. Coconut oil, YES. DID NOTHING. Tea tree oil? DID NOTHING. Burdock root? NOTHING Aloe? NOTHING. Essential oils? NOTHING. Eating paleo? NOTHING. Eliminating ________xyz?_______. DID NOTHING. The next person that tells me something like this is going to get 4 grocery bags full of holistic shit thrown at their heads.
-"You just need to rest, and then you'll get better". Don't say this unless it's followed by an offer to come over and watch my kids, do a week of night time wakings, a week of cooking meals, cleaning my house, and packing lunches.
-"Oh I had a rash on my arm once. I just had to put ______xyz____ on it". Just Shut the eff up. Your arm rash is not/was not like my full body, lasting 10 weeks rash. It really isn't. I promise you my doctors have tried every single topical steroid and cream under the sun. AND NONE OF THEM HAVE WORKED.
Ahh...I feel better now. I'm sure all of you have your own stories of things people have said when you or a loved one is ill. Share your stories here!