After our accident, my parents purchased a pair of car seats from Walmart (I think) just to help us get the children home safely from the hospital. Since then I've spoken with insurance and they said they'll cover the costs for us choosing two new car seats. Which is amazing! But now I have to decide where to go from here and I admit, I'm a little overwhelmed by what's on the market!

Here's what we had:

Here's what we have now:

We have two children who both weigh about 30 lbs, and we've had them both forward facing for a while. The question is do I get something like what we had? Or should I try to upgrade to a convertible? Or is it even worth the price when boosters are so cheap and my littles are still small? Would like to keep it under $300-400 for both since we still have to get the money to pay for them then wait for the reimbursement check. Suggestions all you car seat experts?