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Three sentence birth story.

  1. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    I had a failed induction with three days of pitocin, and I asked to be sent home on bed rest. I went into labor that night on my own, no pitocin necessary. I had a beautiful baby girl!

  2. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    Thought I peed my pants, turned out to be my water. Failed epidural plus highest pitocin level the nurses have ever seen left me crying in the fetal position. Luckily, he was in a rush to get out and my perfect little boy was born after 10 hours of labor and 10 minutes of pushing.

  3. yerpie110

    nectarine / 2771 posts

    Water broke at 4am. Ended up with emergency csection due to maternal fever and fetal distress. Healthy baby girl, and an easy recovery to boot!

  4. Blueberry

    apricot / 342 posts

    I got an epidural 15 hours in. I pushed for 2 hours and suddenly baby decided to turn. An emergency c-section later, I had a beautiful baby boy!

  5. sarac

    pomelo / 5093 posts

    Hmm, a haiku?

    A natural birth?
    Ha ha, not by a long shot.
    Such disappointment.

  6. Greentea

    pomelo / 5678 posts

    Labored on my OWN at home. Happily got walking epi for delivery. Best moment of my life as I met my daughter after 3 quick pushes!

  7. Mrs. Tiger

    blogger / pomegranate / 3044 posts

    Ds1- Water broke in bed on a lazy Sunday morning. Asked DH to sing the unicorns song from Despicable Me while in labor. Baby boy born early Monday morning, perfect.

    DS2 - woke up at midnight with water broken at 30 weeks, was admitted to hospital. At 32 weeks had cord prolapse and emergency c section. Woke up with no pain meds, alone and scared, later found out about DS2's traumatic start to life, began our rough journey.

  8. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    After 16 hrs of back labor, contractions stalled @ 5-7 min apart for another 12 hrs. I was so relieved to go to the hospital and got partial relief from an epidural at 5cm. Our sweet baby girl was born after 34 hrs of labor and 45 minutes of pushing with her hand on her face, initially blue and not crying, but thank God, healthy and perfect!

  9. MrsScallop

    persimmon / 1328 posts

    Induced by having my water broken. Stadol made me ramble drunkenly about how I might stop breathing if I fell asleep, epidural brought relief. 18 hours of labor for my 7lb 4oz baby girl!

  10. Vegmama

    pear / 1799 posts

    Six hours of intensity. My body took care of it all. Beautiful baby girl born at home.

  11. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    Laboured for 28 hours with contractions that never became "regular". Pushed for 3 hours with a sunny side baby until they finally used the vacuum. Dh exclaimed "it's a girl!", while the nurse exclaimed "It's a boy!" - Dh was right there was so much love, joy and anticipation in the waiting room and they were elated over the news of her birth.

    Oops - that's 4!

  12. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    These are so fun to read!

    Water broke just after midnight on my due date. Argued with the medical team about wanting a med free birth while our doula was in the ER for kidney stones. Baby boy born 13 mins past his due date, med free!

  13. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    Induced, but then kicked on med-free. 5 hour intense, but natural water birth. My beautiful son born peacefully and wide eyed in the water.

  14. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    I was induced for preeclampsia at 35 weeks very unexpectedly. Induction was a nightmare and slowed my labor down to a 27 hour ordeal, with an additional 2 hours of pushing. LO was born at 6 pounds, 11 oz with no tearing!


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