What are some of your best tricks to get a sick LO to drink fluids?
Dd2 has been sick and in teething H-E-L-L since Wednesday. She's barely drink 6 oz of liquid a day and that includes fruits and applesauce.
I've tried different cups, open cups, straw cups with hard straws and soft straws, room temp and ice cold water, ice cubes, milk, juice, pedialyte, Popsicles and soup. I offer at least every half hour and most times she says no. Sometimes she will drink it, but only take a sip.
So far we've been getting 2-3 wet diapers a day, so we're not in dehydration territory, yet. But I'm afraid if it continues.
Any other tricks that worked for you that I haven't tried yet?
She's only 19m so can't be reasoned with like my almost 4 yo.