Hellobee Boards


Total Losers: Weight Loss Thread

  1. SAHM0811

    grapefruit / 4049 posts

    I'll play!

    Why are you slimming? Still trying to lose some baby weight from DD 2...

    How are you slimming? Running (goal is a consistent 3x/week or more), eating better, tracking calories on My Fitness Pal

    How much do you want to lose? Since having DD 2, my goal was to get back to pre-preg weight, so about 47 lbs. Losing a total of 50 would be great, and 55 would be even better.

    How much have you lost so far: Since DD2 was born, i've lost about 40 lbs! 10 lbs of that was lost this summer after exercising and eating (a little) better. So, ideally, I have 10 lbs more to go.

    What is your weigh-day? Fridays.

  2. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Nycalimama: I had added you to the list in my last post retrospectively because I have the power!

  3. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @Cherrybee: Mondays are good. I think that will (maybe) help me be good over the weekend. we shall see with all this Halloween candy. Tmrw in going to try to work out when I get home.

  4. SAHM0811

    grapefruit / 4049 posts

    @Cherrybee: thank you! and also thanks for starting this... it's extra motivating!

  5. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    Right - it's Wednesday! Updates from @Cyndistar3: @Kentuckygirl: and @MrsBrewer: please! No pressure, of course!

    My update is not a good one. I was so good last week, I stayed within my WW points, I went to the gym 4 times during the week and I PUT ON half a pound! How is that even possible?! Oh well....

    Thurs: Oceanis723: -33lb
    Fri: Medianaranja: -15lb
    Fri: Duckduckkristen: -27lb
    Fri: Nycalimama: -40lb
    Sat: Mandb36: -37lb
    Sat: Cocobee: -37lb
    Sat: Sweetkate: -50lb
    Sun: Ash: -7lb
    Sun: Amohror: -27lb
    Mon: Kjwinter: 0lb
    Mon: Babybruins: 0lb
    Mon: Jennicmac: 0lb
    Tues: Char54: -5lb
    Weds: Cherrybee: -4.5lb
    Weds: Cyndistar3: -2lb
    Weds: Kentuckygirl: 0lb
    Weds: MrsBrewer: 0lb

  6. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @Cherrybee: Ahh I completely forgot. So I'm tempted to just list my weight because I'm afraid that I will forget what I'm at from week to week with lbs lost....but I'm really not that brave I don't think. So from last week I'm down 2.3 lbs!!!

  7. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    Love this! Don't add me to the list because I'm not weighing myself right now, but I'll fill out the little questionnaire!

    Why are you slimming? To stop being fat, and to be healthier pre-TTC
    How are you slimming? Paleo / hopefully some exercise soon
    How much do you want to lose? I'm going more with clothing sizes than weight. I'm a size 14 and I want to be a 10 again.
    How much have you lost so far: Not sure - just been a few days!
    What is your weigh-day? Not weighing right now - I become addicted to the scale!

  8. cyndistar3

    pomegranate / 3980 posts

    I am so mad I have been eating healthier and exercising but I have managed to gain the 2lbs back!

  9. phdmommy

    cherry / 110 posts

    Just saw this thread and I want to join in!

    Why are you slimming: I'm pretty much down pre-preg, but prior to preg was up majorly...so to get back to what I like to call pre-wedding Also, to feel better/more energy/self control

    How are you slimming: Eating a mostly primal/paleo diet. NEED to start moving and "lifting heavy things"

    How much do you want to lose? 40 pounds

    How much have you lost so far? Haven't weighed myself in a while...but lost all 25 pounds of baby weight. But let's start at pre-preg and say 0.

    What is your weigh in day? How about Wednesdays.

    Hope this will help me be accountable!

  10. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @phdmommy: Oooh you can be my paleo friend!!! It's fun to find the few ladies on here who eat the same way. I make a few exceptions to the paleo diet but I like it so far.

    Did my weigh-in a day early.... at the same weight!! I'm meh about it. I didn't work out once this week (boo!) so I shouldn't have expected anything. I really need to get back into it; I've fallen into a rut since moving. I think I am starting to get the mindset that as long as I'm at my pre-pg weight I should be happy but I put on these lbs after I got married so I shouldn't be "happy" with it because I know I don't have to weigh this much!

    And simply because it's easier I will just share my weight.
    Height: 5'8
    Wedding (2010): 140 lbs
    Pre-pg: 163 lbs (mid-2011)
    Day of birth: 199 lbs (Feb '12)
    Today: 163 on the dot
    Goal: 140-145

    @Cherrybee: you know what I think would be helpful? When you update the list each weak, can you put a plus or minus next to each person so we/they can see if they gained or lost for that week? Like I wouldn't have realized you gained a half lb without reading your post since your weight is still -4.5

  11. phdmommy

    cherry / 110 posts

    @Coco Bee: Yes! i'll be your paleo friend We should start a thread to swap favorite recipes/workouts/lifestyle changes, etc. And that's exactly how I feel about my weight loss...i'm prepeg, so ok...but don't HAVE to weigh this much!

  12. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

  13. MediaNaranja

    pomegranate / 3244 posts

    No update on weight loss because my scale needs new batteries, but...

    I have been walking a lot more, even as it gets cold outside. Too cold for me to bike now, so I am thinking of other things to do to keep my activity level up. Maybe dust off some of the old exercise DVDs I have?

    @Cherrybee: It's just all that awesome muscle that you are building at the gym!

  14. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    @Cherrybee: I lost 1 lbs. - not great but I only really worked at it for half the week since it was my birthday

  15. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @kentuckygirl: Yay! As long as the scale is going down, that's all I care about. Happy birthday!

  16. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    @char54: thanks!

  17. SAHM0811

    grapefruit / 4049 posts

    I lost 2 lbs!

    I ran only once though, when my goal is 3x a week but my DH, kids, and I all got sick with colds and minor stomach flu, so things have been really off... I watch what I eat, but haven't been counting calories... just no time to record on My Fitness Pal lately... Lack of appetite is the real reason I lost those lbs though. Hopefully next week we'll all be better and I can get back on track with diet and exercise.

  18. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    Sooooooo, I just finished a workout at the gym. Well, partially finished. I'm not lettin myself go until I do some abs. : / right now I'm in the cornering updating hellobee.

    I'm finishing the walk around the track and do some abs. I'll let you know if I survive.

  19. BelugaBean

    pomegranate / 3516 posts

    I haven't been doing great with the weight loss due to a few rough days with LO but I'm the same.

    @Coco Bee: We are so similar! My pre-pregnancy was 165, highest point 204, day of birth 199, right now 167, and goal is 140-145.

  20. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    I did 3 different ab exercises. Now I'm about to die. in a good way.

  21. aMohror

    apricot / 468 posts

    @Cherrybee: I lost 2 pounds this week! I started the week off eating really well and actually drinking enough water. I slowly started doing worse as the week went on I need to do better this week! I am proud I did do my small workout everyday though After this week I may try to do 2 circuits instead of just one.

    Right now I am 148lbs. Just to remind myself! lol

    Thanks again for keeping up with this for us!

  22. Mrs. Train

    blogger / pomegranate / 3300 posts

    -1.6 this week. I forgot to post on Thursday

  23. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    Oh my goodness, so many updates!!!

    kiwi / 561 posts

    4 days ago Right - it's Wednesday! Updates from @Cyndistar3: @Kentuckygirl: and @MrsBrewer: please! No pressure, of course!

    My update is not a good one. I was so good last week, I stayed within my WW points, I went to the gym 4 times during the week and I PUT ON half a pound! How is that even possible?! Oh well....

    -1.6 Thurs: Oceanis723: -34.6lb
    Fri: Medianaranja: -15lb
    Fri: Duckduckkristen: -27lb
    -2 Fri: Nycalimama: -42lb
    Fri: DC Yoga Bee: -6lb
    Sat: Mandb36: -37lb
    Sat: Cocobee: -37lb
    Sat: Sweetkate: -50lb
    Sun: Ash: -7lb
    -2 Sun: Amohror: -29lb
    Mon: Kjwinter: 0lb
    Mon: Babybruins: 0lb
    +1 Mon: Jennicmac: +1lb
    Tues: Char54: -5lb
    Weds: Cherrybee: -4.5lb
    Weds: Cyndistar3: 0lb
    -1 Weds: Kentuckygirl: -1lb
    Weds: MrsBrewer: 0lb
    Weds: PHDMommy: 0lb

    @cyndistar3: Oh no, I'm so sorry. Keep at it, it's just a blip!

    @Coco Bee: I think that's a great idea!! I'll start from now! That's if I can keep up!!

    @kentuckygirl: Well done! 1lb is great!!

    @NYCaliMama: Well done to you, too!!!

    @aMohror: Great news, congrats!

    @Oceanis723: Well done to you, too!!

    @Jennimac: Well done for your workout!!

    Sorry if I've forgotten anyone - I haven't been on the computer all weekend - just my phone- and there was loads to update!!

  24. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    Great job, ladies!! Looks like it was a good week all around!

    This weekend though on my end..UGH. It was bad. Like, bad - bad.

    I've had to make a drastic change and decided to eliminate sugar from my diet for the next little bit. This is a HUGE deal for me - I love chocolate, cookies, cakes, etc.etc.etc. It was getting to the point where I NEEDED it - not good. So I'm going to do babysteps - this entire week with no sugar. Yikes. I'm scared already.

  25. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @char54: Eek!! Good luck! Let us know how you do!

    I also had a bad weekend. Since Wednesday, I only went to the gym once (Sunday) and I've evded up 35 points OVER my weekly allowance on WW. Oops. Oh well, I'll be realy good with my food and go to the gym tonight and Tuesday - I may be able to make some of the points up!

  26. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    I just saw this thread! Fun!

    Why are you slimming? I gained 30lbs my final semester of law school and studying for the bar!

    How are you slimming? Bikram Yoga, and diet changes

    How much do you want to lose? 47lbs. Odd number I know!
    How much have you lost so far: 6lbs since September. Just from Bikram/Hot Yoga and diet changes. Although, I need to step my diet game up.

    What is your weigh-day? Mondays & Fridays. Oh, and Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday hehe

  27. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @dc yoga bee: Hi! Welcome! I've added you retrospectively to the list and put you down for a Friday update!! Good luck!

  28. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    Well, I got up and exercised this morning. I also weighed and I've gained a pound! Ridiculous. I know I didn't do a lot this past week, but I thought I'd at least see a pins difference. Oh well. Maybe next week will be great.

  29. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Jennimac: Oh no!!! That's three of us who've gained despite our best efforts this week! Keep it up though, next week will be brilliant!

  30. BabyBruins

    kiwi / 551 posts

    I'm up .6 lbs. Let's just say we had a lot of extra Halloween candy in our house. But now with the time change, I'm going to try and take a walk with the baby on the mornings I work from home.

  31. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @Jennimac: Good for you for getting up early to exercise!!! I always tell myself I will but then 6am comes wayyy to early.

    @Cherrybee: Kudos for tracking everything even after you went over...I find once I 'blow it' it's really hard to get back onto tracking. That's my committment this week!

    @BabyBruins: 0.6 really isn't that bad, especially around Halloween time! That's barely a pee

    Well ladies, I stayed that same this week - 0.0 lost (or gained, depending on how you look at it!) I was actually really thrilled considering the weekend was a total blowout for me.

    I'm experiencing a lot of stress in my life right now and trying SO hard not to let my eating become a by product of that. DH may need to transfer jobs next spring, and we thought we would know the answer around now, sign the contract to stay in our current town which we love, and begin TTC in November. Instead things have been put on hold yet AGAIN (we were supposed to know in June, then in September...) and I don't know if we will be able to TTC this next cycle.

    I'm just tired of waiting for an answer and the uncertainty around my life. Will I have to leave my job, which I love? Will we have to leave our families, and our home, and our town? Will we even get to TTC this year, or will I need to geta job in a new town and secure maternity leave benefits again? Grrrrrrrrr. Every time it looks like we have found the solution to stay, it gets delayed and so do my dreams of a baby. Okay. Rant's over. off to work. Have a good day ladies!

  32. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    Sorry, I haven't been on HB much this week. Work has been crazy! Good news is that I have somehow managed to lose 2 more lbs., so my total loss is 3 lbs!

  33. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @kentuckygirl: wow! Two pounds is awesome!!

    I'm committed to having a good weekend... Christmas is coming fast and I want to be down 10 by then!

  34. Mrs. Superhero

    GOLD / pear / 1845 posts

    Why are you slimming? Losing the baby weight
    How are you slimming? by eating well (I did couch 2 5K, but it's too cold to run, will start something new soon)
    How much do you want to lose? 20 lb (20 to go, is that how we're doing this?)
    How much have you lost so far: 40 lbs (but 7 was a baby?)
    What is your weigh-day? Saturday.

  35. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    I'm game.

    Why are you slimming? to lose weight I put on after m/c, and would like to get it off before or during TTC

    How are you slimming? Weight Watchers and exercise

    How much do you want to lose? 40lb but I'm hoping we will get KU before then

    How much have you lost so far: 3lb

    What is your weigh-day? Saturday

    I love all the WW ladies. Anyone have any good low point recipes?

  36. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    Just weighed in. I lost 1 pound. Boo, I was going for 2. Up to 7lbs lost. 3 pounds until 10!

  37. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    Woohoo! Weigh in and I lost 1 lb! Down to 162 now (from 163 two weeks ago).

  38. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    We need to revive this thread! I need inspiration and someone to keep my (getting larger) butt in check!

    Going to get up tomorrow and try to work out. Hubby come home tonight and it's usually a struggle to get up early in the morning. I need to do something. I don't feel attractive and I worry that it affects our TTC, but then I freak out about trying to start working out and if THAT will affect TTC.


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