Okay, so I've had an idea!

It seems that there are a lot of us on Hellobee who are trying to lose weight - whether that's baby weight, slimming to help the TTC process or just regular slimming for health.

So, I thought, why don't we have a POAS-style thread in which to record our efforts and support each other? If you want to join, just tell me:

Why are you slimming?
How are you slimming?
How much do you want to lose?
How much have you lost so far:
What is your weigh-day?

Then, I will draw up a list and, weekly, on your weigh-days, you can let me know how much (in pounds) you have gained or lost. I will then update the Losers List!

How does that sound?

Any time you want to be removed from the list, just let me know and I will remove you - no pressure!

Good luck everyone!