Hellobee Boards


TTC after loss

  1. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Nutella: ah what a bummer. Short LPs blow. Hope you're taking care of yourself.
    @LCTBQE: wonderful news from you! I always spot after a pap and have spotted after vag scans too. Don't worry! The bean looks nice and cozy in there.
    @Shantuck: sounds like a good appointment! I hope Clomid/IUI works for you! That's the route I am hoping to take in a few months if I don't get lucky in the meantime.
    @jaguar: Hope you're doing ok. I am always sending positive vibes your way.
    @Crystal: due dates are brutal. When I got to Ava's due date in April I took the day off work and went to breakfast with my mom, MIL and SIL. Then my SIL and I vegged on the couch and watched Downton Abbey. I still cried a lot but it was nice to be surrounded by family.

    So I'm loving progesterone! I am on 11dpo with no spotting. I typically start spotting at 7dpo and AF arrives by 10dpo at the latest. Wahoo! I have no side effects other than fatigue. I tested negative yesterday and am not actually hopeful for this cycle but am happy with the increased LP. I'll stop the progesterone at 14dpo if I don't get a BFP.


    nectarine / 2461 posts

    Thank you all for the sweet comments and support Yesterday evening's spotting was just a tiny bit and stopped by bedtime--I'm positive it was the pap smear, especially after hearing from all of you--not worried about it, for once. @JoJoGirl: I remembered during my first pregnancy I spotted after sex one time, too, and my OB wasn't concerned in the least. @LibbyLou: nice resource with your cousin's occupation! it wasn't anywhere close to needing pads, thank goodness.

    It's still taking all my extra energy just to stay calm and remind myself that this was genetically decided at conception and all I can do is wait and see. NOT ironically I am listening to a lot of rainforest/thunderstorm falling-asleep sound effect tracks on spotify at work. it's good shit, guys.

    @Shantuck: I am so glad to hear you're happy with your new practitioner. sending good psychic vibes your way when do you start the clomid?

    @Nutella: was it an early period after all, or just spotting? you doing okay, lady?


    nectarine / 2461 posts

    @Crystal: @delight: yes, I hear you. even though my first m/c was only in week 8, it feels like I'm never going to be able to forget that April 11 used to be mine. I'm sorry you're hurting

    but @delight: so glad the progesterone is treating you right--nice surprise when things work as intended!

  4. Nutella

    persimmon / 1045 posts

    @LCTBQE: yes I believe it is an early period 25 day cycle for the first time ever! I didn't even get to think about being excited to test! So feeling pretty lousy about it all & considering taking a break from the POAS boards for a while. I just keep thinking it's going to be a long road and the thought drains me.

  5. Nutella

    persimmon / 1045 posts

    @LCTBQE: ps: thanks for checking in, I appreciate it! Enjoy the rainforest/whale noises...whatever works is the best! You're on your way!

  6. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @FreckledFox: hey lady! I followed your story on WB...it's nice to see you on HB. I was thinking about you guys and little G a lot over the holidays. Sending you lots of support, good luck and peace as you start your TTC journey.

  7. pwnstar

    pear / 1718 posts

    @LCTBQE: I am so so happy to read your update!

    @Nutella: I realize my circumstances are a little out of the ordinary, but what I thought was a super early AF (what would have been a 23 day cycle for the first time ever) wasn't. I just want to give you a big fat ((hug)) . . . and I am not a big hugger!

  8. FreckledFox

    grape / 78 posts

    @delight: Yay for no spotting! FX!
    @Nutella: I am sorry about early AF
    @catomd00: Thank you so much, that means a lot

  9. Zbug

    persimmon / 1355 posts

    @Nutella: such a bummer. Hopefully it was just a fluke.

  10. Shantuck

    pear / 1767 posts

    @Nutella: I read that every now and then you can ovulate an egg that isn't fertilizable and doesn't support normal progesterone production during the luteal phase (happens to all women every now and then) and it just causes an early period. As long as this doesn't happen again next month, it's likely not cause for concern. Also, for what it's worth, I had an 8 day luteal phase after my miscarriage in June which persisted for a few months (so not the situation described above) and it eventually lengthened (all I did was acupuncture so not sure if that helped or just time) and I got pregnant again when it had gotten up to 11 days. Hoping this is just a weird fluke and you are back to normal next month.

  11. Shantuck

    pear / 1767 posts

    I just got back from the ob/gyn's office for my post-D&C appointment. The results from the fetal tissue testing showed hyper-tetraploidy with two extra chromosome 15's. I guess there is comfort in knowing that I didn't prematurely and wrongly do a D&C but supposedly this is one of the rarest results I could have gotten, which makes me feel like a scientific freak show. The doctor didn't recommend doing any further testing as she thought this was just some bizarre occurrence. She did recommend waiting until my first period after the D&C to start trying again in case there was any swelling in the uterus. Would it be crazy to try this cycle and just see what happens? She used the words "it would be my preference..."

  12. Zbug

    persimmon / 1355 posts

    @Shantuck: that's crazy. So it was just a fluke abnormality?
    As for trying again, I did a ton of research after my d&c, and (as I'm sure you know), there's no consensus. We tried immediately after but it didn't happen. Personally, I'm of the mind that our bodies are pretty smart and wont let us get pregnant if not recovered but who knows. This is obviously different, but I did get preggo immediately after my early 5 week loss, and things seem to be going ok so far.

  13. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @Shantuck: *hugs* We found out our little boy had Trisomy 21 after his genetic pathology was performed post-d&c. It's a big shock, but it also appears to have just been 'one of those things' as neither hubby or I came back positive for any genetic abnormalities in our own testing. Take some time to process, and here if you need anything. x

  14. LCTBQE

    nectarine / 2461 posts

    @Shantuck: oh, lady, I got a lump in my throat just reading. I hope you are hanging in there. glad you were reassured that the D&C was necessary and timed right. you aren't a medical student case study sideshow for having had a rare occurrence Not to get Pollyanna on you, but sounds like your body is trying hard to get you another good pregnancy and you're in good hands with your new RE going forward.

    Like @Zbug: I also did a lot of research, but decided after my D&C (preg#1) to follow the rules and wait the full cycle. I had read over and over that after the procedure your lining gets scraped very thin, and I just didn't want to risk something bad happening (foreshadowing!) So I waited like a miserable A+ student, and my next ovulation/pregnancy after the period was the disaster ectopic scare that you talked me through on my other post. I was so angry because I followed all the rules, and look where it landed me. My OB on no uncertain terms told me to wait ANOTHER full cycle after m/c#2, which I didn't do, and now here I am with no particular regrets about my fuck-it/reckless attitude. I do sort of feel like since there's not a consensus, there's not a "wrong" choice to be made.

  15. LCTBQE

    nectarine / 2461 posts

    @Nutella: I understand why this feels so discouraging and like a slap, but wish I could just take all of that from you and carry it for you I kept track of my cycle lengths for two years on an app before TTC, and they were almost all 27-28 days. But I had two odd cycles in there that were 25 days, one in each year, and I don't think it was early ovulation. I do hope it was just a one-off. Brownies, wine, repeat. Hugs to you. Zen face.

  16. LCTBQE

    nectarine / 2461 posts

    @pwnstar: thank you kept it off the POAS boards because I'm just too freaked out. still so amazed with your story!

  17. pwnstar

    pear / 1718 posts

    @LCTBQE: Thank you . . . me too (both amazed--more like dumbfounded!--and freaked out). We had the first u/s yesterday and heard/saw the heartbeat, and will be scheduling a CVS in the next few weeks. I've still not told any family, just my good mom friends and a work friend. SO and I have joked that we might not tell family at all . . . just show up for a visit knocked up and pretend like everything is business as usual.

  18. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts


    I've fallen behind here -- but thank you for the kind words from my last post, everyone, and I hope everybody here is feeling as good as possible! I'm off to my first counselling appointment in about an hour, and am hoping it'll give me some good coping mechanisms. NP appointment tomorrow. One day at a time.

    In terms of TTC we actually managed to hit a few days during what would normally be my fertile period (I am not tracking, deleted FF from my phone to reduce obsessing, but I do know roughly where I am in my cycle). Not symptom spotting, and going ahead and assuming I will not be pregnant (and I don't even know if I'm SUPPOSED to be trying, still). I finally burned through/gave away all my Wondfos leaving me with one expensive digital, ensuring that there's no way I'm gonna drive myself nuts this cycle or any other cycle until I give in and buy more cheapies. If I get to the 14th with no period I'll test.

  19. LCTBQE

    nectarine / 2461 posts

    Question for all of you (I think I'm one of the few here who hasn't had a child?): I'm 7 weeks today. last night at 3am I woke up from a dead sleep having really painful, radiating, period-like cramps. These were not the light pinching/pulling cramps isolated in one part of my uterus like I'm used to with pregnancy, they were sort of all over the anterior wall. It lasted about 10-15 minutes, then went away completely. No spotting whatsoever, and today I was back to normal. Does this sound typical, or should I call my OB?

  20. Zbug

    persimmon / 1355 posts

    @LCTBQE: I would try not to worry. Probably your uterus stretching. The only time I've actually ever had the pinching/pulling cramps was with implantation before my early mc. This time, I've actually had more back pain than anything else, but I think I remember some period type cramps with dd.

  21. MrsKoala

    cantaloupe / 6869 posts

    @LCTBQE: I remeber having period like cramps a couple times in the first tri with my son. I think it's just Round ligament pain. I would only worry if it becomes constant. I think the fact that it didn't last long is a good sign.

  22. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    @LCTBQE: TOTALLY normal. I had intense period cramps until 14 weeks with my first. Your uterus is basically going "WTF??".

  23. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    @LCTBQE: That sounds like RLP to me!

  24. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    So, I am probably ducking out of here for a little while, personally -- I really, really want to see everyone's journeys end well, but mine is going on the back burner temporarily.

    The NP I saw today said she wants us to take a three-month break. She thinks that stress and anxiety may be contributing to what we've experienced, and though she usually tells her clients that it's fine to start again when they want (and told me that, in October), after reviewing our last results she did some research and thinks it would benefit us to recuperate, focus on having fun, and give ourselves a chance to heal mentally.

    I'm not totally psyched about it. I feel like I am losing even more time. I'm trying to think in the long-term, and recognize that I *do* need to start feeling stronger, and braver, and less like I'm on a never-ending roller coaster ride. If that means taking the pressure and pain away for three months, it feels arbitrary, but it might be nice to get a break. I'm dreading it and also feeling relieved at the same time.

    We're not getting a referral for any further testing right now, which is probably what is disappointing me the most because I'm worried that there is something physically wrong that won't be caught, and that we'll wait and try again and whatever it is will rear its head. But I'm switching over to a new doctor in February, because the NP is leaving, so maybe that's something I can address with her.

    I'm all over the place, and not sure how I feel, exactly, but that's where we're at. Unless I got pregnant between the CP and now, which opens up a whole different door, hah.

  25. catlady

    grapefruit / 4988 posts

    @MrsDragon: Sorry to hear you will be ducking out but I hope you have a relaxing break from all this. Can you plan some fun things during your months off? I actually sort of planned something like this for myself. I was sick of delaying things like big vacations due to not knowing when I'd be pregnant or have a newborn, so DH and I went ahead and booked a vacation for April. I don't want to travel in the first tri after so many losses (and experiences with morning sickness) so if I don't get pregnant this cycle, we will also be taking a 3ish month hiatus until our trip is over. I'm hoping having something nice to look forward to (that is not a hypothetical pregnancy) will ultimately help me out.

    @LCTBQE: Hope you are feeling ok today! I agree with the others that those types of cramps can be completely normal. However I also think there is no harm in calling your OB if something just "feels" off. Honestly, I had them in both my successful pregnancy and during one of my lost pregnancies so I don't really know if they mean anything...I would just trust your gut.

  26. Shantuck

    pear / 1767 posts

    @MrsDragon: We'll miss you around here but it sounds like maybe some time to heal might help you find some peace. Take good care of yourself! We'll be thinking about you!

  27. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    @catlady: Yeah, I have been putting basically 9+ months of living on hold waiting for something to happen. At least for three months I'm going to do crazy things like buy myself pants that fit and stop tracking my cycles entirely!

  28. LibbyLou

    kiwi / 739 posts

    @MrsDragon: we will miss you but totally get that. I also fell in the trap of putting life off and every event that was plan forecasting how pregnant I would be. Spoiler alert: not pregnant.
    Just go live life as best you can. 3months is the grand scheme won't be a big deal. (Although I get how it feels bc we are taking one month of and that's hard!). Just think of how your avoiding a winter/Christmas baby. Good luck and we will see you when you get back!

  29. LCTBQE

    nectarine / 2461 posts

    @Zbug: @MrsKoala: @JoJoGirl: @MrsDragon: @catlady: Thank you, ladies! Sorry for the late reply, but these were very reassuring to me when I read them. So grateful that I can turn to you all with things like this--my gut wasn't telling me something was going wrong, exactly, but still disconcerting to have pain like that. Plus, thought it was too early for RLP? In any event I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one.

    @MrsDragon: you will be missed, but completely understand this. I hope you can put most of your focus on that feeling of relief and take care of yourself. As much as you like your NP, maybe your new doctor will have a harder look at your losses? Many hugs and hope you read lots of novels, take some little weekend trips, drink wine while you're cooking dinner, stay up late with your husband, and take your LO outside in the snow PS burst out laughing at "pants that fit".

  30. LCTBQE

    nectarine / 2461 posts

    @LibbyLou: so true! I always feel sorry for people whose birthdays are Dec 26th and the like!

  31. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @MrsDragon: I took a few month break, and it did WONDERS for my MH. I felt a bit panicked at first because I didn't want to waste any more time, but now I'm so glad I did. I really hope it's a time of peace for you.

    @LCTBQE: congrats. Hearing a HB is such an amazing and powerful experience.

    @Shantuck: it must feel good to have an answer! are they recommending any testing at all for you?

    @delight: yay for P!

    @Nutella: @jaguar: @delight: dh and I were thinking of planning a weekend away during the EDD, but I'm afraid I'll cry the whole time and ruin whatever trip we might plan.

  32. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @Crystal: We were in Fiji around my boy's due date. It was pretty special. Our first family holiday for the three of us.. but also some special memories of what should have been.

    We didn't celebrate the other due dates, because... it was just too much. And we weren't as connected to those pregnancies, as they ended a lot faster.

    Another BFN for this femara cycle, no miracles here.

  33. Shantuck

    pear / 1767 posts

    @jaguar: Sorry to hear about the BFN. Hang in there!

  34. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @Shantuck: Period arrived this morning.

    Time for REAL TTC ... planning in another IVF round this month.

  35. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    Thank you everyone for the kind words.

    This is making me feel like a crazy person but I'm about 9dpo and feeling awful since yesterday. Crazy nausea, dizzy/shaky and my incision scar is killing me. We were NTNP during the three weeks between my last CP and the nurse practitioner banning us from trying. I don't know if it's legit symptoms or just me being wishful that maybe we could still have a shot without waiting. And even if I was pregnant I would probably be jaded enough to expect a loss anyway...

    My period is due Wednesday (12dpo). My husband is trying to tell me to wait an entire week past when my period would be due, if it's late! I'm sitting on my hands trying to wait till Thursday, if my period doesn't come. Which it probably will, but it's driving me nuts in the meantime.

  36. LCTBQE

    nectarine / 2461 posts

    @MrsDragon: If you feel like a negative wouldn't be a huge blow (or would be the same level blow as getting your period), why don't you wait until like 11dpo, when you could reasonably expect to see something, and if you still have no signs of your period, do a FRER?

    Don't mean to encourage POAS insanity, but you've been through so much--why do you need to arbitrarily, punitively play a waiting game with yourself on top of it.

  37. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    @LCTBQE: I'm torn between wanting to know and knowing that I could catch another CP. Which objectively wouldn't make a difference right now, except I could maybe bring that info to my new doctor if it happens.

    I only have a First Response digital on hand soooo I may end up buying regular FRERs this week. I think my husband knows me enough now to know that I'm gonna test when I can't stand it anymore. I just feel like so many people have come down on me for testing 'early' but 11dpo is the day before my period is due, anyway.

  38. LCTBQE

    nectarine / 2461 posts

    @MrsDragon: just remembered something important--since you're just coming off the CP, wonder if it's possible that not all the old hcg has cleared out of your system, which *possibly* could yield a false positive. or, could just be confusing for a true positive. of course you know your situation and your body, but only reason I mention it is to maybe take the results with a grain of salt?

    about the people coming down on you for testing: it's YOUR choice. I say this with love, but I'm kind of like, "fuck 'em". eh?

  39. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    @LCTBQE: two days after I started bleeding I tested, because the clinic didn't schedule me for a follow up HCG test and never told me what my levels were for the one when I started bleeding. So the day of the CP there was a surprisingly strong line, but two days after that there was nothing.

    I think I'm an early implanter/someone who always has a bit of HCG. The first CP I had, I had been bleeding for awhile and the test came back with an HCG level of 5, which is non-pregnant by our lab.

  40. LCTBQE

    nectarine / 2461 posts

    @MrsDragon: of course you're on top of it this sounds like one of those things where you'll feel it out and do what's right for you. the PTSD we all have makes the decision a little rough

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