When did your lo get them and how long did it take?

Ds (20 mths) has woken up inconsolably crying yesterday and tonight. He was running a fever last nt so we gave him some motrin and during the day he was mostly his normal self. Eating drinking normal dipes playing. He took two naps today cuz he was up several times last nt. I slept on the floor of his room cuz he will cry if I leave. Dh did this during his second shorter nap today too. Im going to sleep in his room again tonight. Hes woken up once already in so mich pain

He didnt want a popsicle barely ate watermelon. Even passed up his fave froyo at dinner that we tried to at least cool his gums a bit. Hylands teething tablets and gel have nvr worked for him.

Is there anything to try aside from motrin? I thought he mt have a cold too. But now I suspect the fever and runny nose are all molar related.