Background: My DS started peeing upon being prompted at 2.5 yrs old - we never "trained" per say just offered the potty. 3 months later at 2yrs 9 months his teacher at school said she thought he was ready for underwear - we put him in it and BAM! Done - pee and poop in the potty - It rocked!!!!!

Now comes along DD - everyone says girls are easy to PT...... well my DD was put up in the "Potty Training" room in July and since then they put her on the potty every 2 hours - she peed 1 time.

Last week her teacher had her sit there for 30 mins and not one drop of pee came out!

So I thought I would put her in underwear this weekend thinking maybe she needs to feel being wet - well that was disastrous!! She LOVED wearing underwear but would pee then say "uh-oh I peed" I kept asking her if she had to go and said no - sat her on the potty and nothing - then she would pee her pants. After 6 changes she went back in diapers.

I have tried offering m&ms, tattoos and painting her nails - all of which she wants but still wont pee!

So in 30 days she will be 2yrs 9 months and there is no way she will be PT by then (again this is when her brother was PT'd). I know I shouldn't compare my kids but I mean she wont ever pee in the potty - whats up with that - you would think after 30 mins something would come out - right????

I dread having to "train" my kid especially since my DS was soooo easy!

Do I just let her keep going in the hopes that in the next few months she will pee on the potty? should I push her anymore?

Any thoughts would be appreciated!