...and left a big ol' dent in the side. Grrr.

I was at target, and backed out of my parking space when BAM some crazy lady started also backing out...right into me.

We got out and she started crazy-lady yelling at me about how I should look when I'm backing out. Uhh, I was already fully backed out of my space, already in 1st gear, when she hit *me*. NOT my fault. She asked what I wanted to do about it and I calmly said we should exchange info so that her insurance can pay to fix the giant dent she left in the side of my car. We kept arguing (me, calmly, her, crazily), when a nice lady who was an off-duty police officer told me I should file a police report. Crazy lady starts yelling at her and tells her to mind her own business and not get involved in things...probably mad because she told me to call the cops.

I say one more time that we should exchange info, and she basically tells me to fuck off and go ahead and take her license plate number down, but she wasn't giving me any of her info. So i took a photo of her car license plate, and she pulls through and takes off.

Jokes on her, because I did the right thing, stayed there until the police came and took my side of the story. The nice officer just called me and said that he's been to her house twice and no one was home so he has no choice but to put out a warrant for her arrest for her hit & run....LOL, joke's on her!!

But seriously, this is really annoying, and the first time anything like this has happened to me. What a bummer way to start the weekend!!