Note: this is NOT a criticism of women who stay at home! I want to be a SAHM, I just don't have kids yet, so keep that context in mind!!

I graduated with my MA in May, pregnant. We were trying, but we didn't think it would happen this quick. I wish we had started 3 months earlier or waited 6 months, because now I'm due in January (my husband has a 1 year position lined up, so it would have been ideal to have the baby at the beginning of this year or the next).

I started applying for jobs with the state before I was pregnant, but they take months to get back to you. I just got turned down for a job I applied for 3 months ago! So now that I'm 6 months out from my due date, I'm kinda screwed. I live in a right to work state, so you can get fired for no cause in the first 6 months (ie - being pregnant). Also, if I worked for the state (assuming I start now and get 6 months in), I'd only get 6 weeks maternity leave, and it's important to us that I stay at home for 3 months with the little one.

So looking for a full time job in my field, I'm kinda screwed. I applied for a job on a campaign, but it sounds really intense 7 days a week, no time off - I don't know if I can handle it preggers. I'm thinking I will just substitute teach next year and then take the time off to stay with the bebe and then look for a job when we move again.

I feel anxious/stressed/depressed though. Staying at home before kids hasn't seemed like a viable career choice since the 60s! We're really broke right now, just a few thousand left in student loans till my husband's job starts in August (he's studying for the bar now). I lost my nannying job I had lined up for the summer (professors who decided they wanted more family time...grr).

Anyone else in a similar situation? What do you suggest?