DD got her 18 month shots yesterday. About noon I got a call from daycare that she was acts very weird after they brought her in from outside. She was being very fussy and randomly crying out like she was in pain. She also refused lunch and a nap. The part that scares me the most is that she is stiffing her legs then I guess a she shiver (like when one goes down your back) then she relaxes. This all happened after outside play, breakfast and the rest of the morning was completely. Of course I call her doctor office to see if this is normal. I finally get a call back from the nurse who says she has never heard of that kind of reaction before she only knows about redness and soreness. Ummm what?!? Long story short she has an appointment at 4:15 but I feel like the nurse should have been a least a little bit more knowledgable. The Google told me more than that...just need to rant a little.