Hi everyone,

I was hoping to get some advice from you all...

Before being pregnant I was a pescatarian. I ate a lot of fish and seafood but didn't really ever have a taste for meat.

I am coming towards the end of the first trimester and I have not been able to eat any form of protein since I was about 6 weeks pregnant. Fish and seafood makes me gag and I seem to have an aversion to egg, tofu, meat etc.

While I stuck my head in the sand during the first trimester, I am somewhat aware that protein is fairly critical during the second and third trimesters.

Hence my problem.

Say, miraculously, I wake up soon and am able to eat fish and seafood again I have been advised to only have that twice a week.

I was reading somewhere that pregnant women are advised to have 80grams of protein a day. This seems like a colossal amount that I will never be able to get through in a day. Like an egg contains 6 grams of protein. So short of eating a dozen eggs a day, I am not sure how I am going to get near enough protein.

To add to this I am slightly worried about eating canned food, given everything I have read about BPA in the lining of most canned goods. This makes eating chickpeas, lentils and legumes, regularly, rather tricky.

I suppose what I am asking is what are you all doing to make sure you are getting enough protein? Any tips, tricks, recipes or experience you would like to share?

Thank you!

P.S. Yes, I did use my favoriate fish as my user-name. Oh, how times have changed...