My in laws came to visit they live about 7 hour drive (straight drive no stops) or a 1 hours plane ride away.
The first thing my FIL said when he came in was that they are too old to visit us anymore and that we need to make time to visit them more. Then he went on and on how they are old and they can’t drive as much and how airplanes are troublesome and he can’t maneuver airports.
Basically how it’s hard on them and since we are young we should visit them more.
I was like wait a second, both of you are retired… both of us work, and we have will have to take vacation time and haul two kids to where you are which we do twice a year already. We use almost ALL our vacation time (2 out of 3 weeks we get a year) to see them. If they want us to visit more they are basically asking for ALL of our vacation time.
I was quite upset with them telling me this. We don’t even take any other vacations but to visit them (we use the last week on longer weekends here and there) but I was hoping that we might be able to take vacations in the future. Now they are demanding all of our vacation time?
I don’t know this seems really unreasonable to me. I feel like since they are retired they have time and money to make the effort to see the grandkids more if that’s what they want.
I talked to some friends about this and it seems to be an even split. Some make a good point they think it’s not unreasonable because they are old and yeah everything hurts when you are old and we are young and more able body to make the trip. It’s not unreason to have us sacrifice all our vacation time because family is important. I’m like really? Okay maybe I’m being selfish. So I thought I would ask here just to gauge how unreasonable I am.
My family is close by so we don’t need to use vacation to see them.
I’m sure a lot of you will ask what DH says. He told me not to worry about it and we will figure it out. It’s most likely we will just keep the two visits a year that are a week each and call it good and ignore their request for more visits.