My five year old daughter has always been an easy vomiter. She often throws up on trips in the car and has been prone to tantrum induced vomiting. However, over the last month or so, she's been throwing up more frequently. It started when we all came down with a pretty gross cold. She would cough to the point of vomiting, but then she would be fine. The cold was replaced by another cold about a week later, which came with pink eye and eventually lead to a double ear infection. This was a week ago, I took her to the doctor, she prescribed amoxicillin for the ear infections and off we went. My daughter has now been on the antibiotics for a week and just this morning she threw up before school. She also threw up yesterday in the middle of the day.
Typically she bounces back pretty quick from these instances, but I am also now noticing (for a little over two weeks) that she is also rather pale, when she used to be very rosy cheeked. My mommy radar is going off big time, and I was placated when the doctor said she had a double ear infection. But now that it is not getting better, I am worried that something else might be wrong. Have any of the bees out there had a kid that puked over everything? And what was the final outcome?