My 3 month old's naps are confusing me.
Nap 1 (crib) tends to last 45 minutes
Nap 2 (crib) tends to last 30-45 minutes
Nap 3 (swing) tends to last until I wake him up. Generally this is around the 2 hour mark because I don't like him going longer than 3-3.5 hours without breastfeeding.
Nap 4/5 tends to be a hodge podge. Sometimes he falls asleep for 15 minutes in the car, but then he needs one more nap before bed and is a complete disaster to put down.
I hate to stop the swing nap because LO1 naps from 1:30-3:30 and I like having a break... but I'm also not sure if it is the reason that our afternoons are so weird... and I know that too long of daytime naps sometimes result in bad nighttime sleep. (For reference, he's been going to sleep between 7 and 8:30 typically and sleeps for around 5-6 hours, then sleeps 3-4 hours generally - though some days are worse).
Would you stop the swing naps? See if he'll nap a longer stretch in the crib?
Would you wake your 3 month old from naps at a certain point? He's in this weird in between phase - not quite a newborn but not on a schedule either.