T is 7 months now and still not sitting! He's not very stable in tripod even. He's balanced for a few moments unassisted lately and I thought that meant we were finally getting there, but then most of the time he doesn't try to balance himself at all. Just happily flops over to his back.
If we gently hold our hands on his thighs he can balance himself. Wobbly but he can definitely sit up. But by himself...not even close. We practice with him every day and try to give him tummy time but he immediately rolls over to his back. He won't stay on his belly. Needless to say, crawling or any process of starting crawling is also far far off.
I really really feel like he's fine. He has lots of strength and is bearing weight on his legs so I don't think he's behind developmentally. But it's gettig more and more worrisome every day as babies his age and younger are sitting and crawling. I'm ready for him to be at that next level to see him learn and explore and have so many more opportunities to play!
And I'm tired of people asking me "Is he crawling yet?" NO.
I guess I'm just looking for reassurance or tips for what we can do to help him progress. DH works himself up over it more than I do and it's stressing me out.