My mom was a SAHM until I was about 3. Since then she's always worked. Was your mom a SAHM? Did that affect whether you wanted to be a SAHM?
My mom was a SAHM until I was about 3. Since then she's always worked. Was your mom a SAHM? Did that affect whether you wanted to be a SAHM?
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
Nope. My mom was a single mom of two. Working single mom.
GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts
Not entirely. She always helped out with my dad's business and then switched to real estate so at least she had a flex schedule so was always there to pick me up from school etc.
persimmon / 1135 posts
My mom stopped working (as a HS teacher) when my older brother was born. She was home with us until I was about 10 when she started working part time.
I think it was an ideal situation because she was home with us when we were little, but we also got to experience her as a woman with her own career and desires (something that I think is so important for kids to see!)
pea / 15 posts
Yup. When we started school she would work part time while we were away in class, but she owned her own business so she was never tied down or unable to be available.
honeydew / 7917 posts
No. Both my parents were always working, and they only recently retired about 5 years ago. Does it count that technically both of them stayed at home with us? My parents converted a house into a Chinese restaurant on the first floor. We were always there to either help with the business or upstairs trying to be "normal" kids.
honeydew / 7968 posts
nope, both parents worked. i think that's makes me want to be a sahm.
hostess / eggplant / 11068 posts
Both my parents worked and when I was in kindergarden I had a babysitter. Once in grade school, my brother and I became latchkey kids. This has made me want to be a SAHM but I'm not sure I'm cut out for it.
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
Yep. She was a SAHM for a year with my brother, then she said she couldn't handle it so she went back to work part time. After I was born, she was a SAHM until I went to school. Then she worked PT so she was always home to put us on the bus and pick us up.
coffee bean / 45 posts
Yes she stayed home until I was 14. I loved having her home and really wish it could be a possibility for me too.
grapefruit / 4056 posts
Both of my parents worked in careers that really fulfilled them, but they both had a good work life balance. That makes me want to model a good work/life balance to my kids, so that they also see enjoying your career but not letting your career overtake your life.
pear / 1554 posts
My mom was a SAHM until I started high school. Then she went back to work.
hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts
Both my parents worked a lot. I think that's why I always wanted to be a SAHM.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
My mom was a stay at home mom from my birth until we moved to Michigan from Korea when I was 6 years old. She started working again when I was in 2nd grade and has not stopped since... She works every day, with a couple of Sundays off sometimes.
pear / 1664 posts
Yep, my mom was a SAHM. She went back to school for another degree when I was in high school, but other than that she was always there for me. I think it would be wonderful to stay home like she was able to do--her influence (though it annoyed me as a teenager) always kept me on track.
cherry / 112 posts
Yup, and looking back I think it was a really good thing for my siblings and myself. She volunteered a lot and kept up her credentials and has been back at work for the last 10 years.
pear / 1743 posts
Both our mothers were SAHM, although FI's was a little more WAHM than mine. Our hope is for me to be a WAHM until our children start primary (elementary school) if finances allow, or I will substitute teach part time to make ends meet. Hopefully the small business grows enough to supplement FI's income!
kiwi / 686 posts
My Mom was a SAHM until I was 12, my sister was 8. I'll be a WAHM all the way through, and working outside the home part-time.
cherry / 190 posts
My mom worked as a kindergarten teacher until I was 4 and my sister was 6. Then she was a SAHM when my dad moved us up north to work on these newfangled "cellular phone" devices He had to travel a lot as he was a realtor for cell phone tower land, so she decided to stay home and be there when we weren't in school so we would have at least one parent at all times. It definitely made me want to stay home until my own munchkin(s) go to school, because I HATED my babysitter with a passion. She was so mean!
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6703 posts
My parents owned their own business so instead of having a stay at home anything, we'd go to their work. This meant afterschool many days, all weekends, days off from school, summer break, even days when too sick to go to school. Unfortunately they were their only employees, so that's how we had to do it. It also meant that we very seldom had a parent at sports games, rather they'd pick us up after. It's not how I'd recommend doing things, but we survived. Because of that, though, I do want to make sure Hubs or I can be more present with our kids.
pea / 20 posts
My mom worked on and off, but was a SAHM for most of my life. My dad was in the military and we moved around a lot, so it was hard for her to keep a job, even though she had a university education. I liked having her own, but I don't think SAHM is in my future...
grapefruit / 4819 posts
My mom was a SAHM until my brother (the youngest) started school full time. She then went back to work as a teacher and worked at a school minutes from ours, so her schedule was essentially the same as ours.
Apparently money was a bit tight when we were really young but she always said she wouldn't trade that time at home for the world. I'm really looking forward to being a SAHM as well.
kiwi / 678 posts
My mom was a SAHM, but it never occurred to me to be one when I was young. I always thought I would work.
Now that I have my kids, I wish I could be one!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
My mom was a SAHM until we were in school, and then she volunteered part-time so that she was still home with us. Later, she worked weekends when we were a little older, and eventually full-time during the week when we were in high school.
grapefruit / 4400 posts
Yes, she was-- except for a couple of years when I was in primary school to be a real estate agent (during the worst market in the 80s). My parents are divorced, so it was just the two of us for a long time (I'm also an only child).
coconut / 8305 posts
My mom was a WAHM until we started school and then she worked part-time (during school hours) until I was in the 3rd grade (when I started watching my sis after school)
And then she began working out of the house full-time.. which lead to all the time till she started her own business. Then she just did that all the time. Yea... she is a self-confessed Work-aholic.
Her not being around didn't really impose on me wanting to be a SAHM/WAHM.. moreso I wanted to be able to facilitate a certain family environment and am now home-schooling DS
apricot / 302 posts
My mom was a SAHM until my youngest brother was in 5th grade. I loved having her at home with us during the summer and she inspires me to try to be a SAHM if I can!
kiwi / 575 posts
My mom was a SAHM until my younger brother was in 2nd grade then went to grad school and then to work as a marriage and family therapist. I'd love to be a SAHM but we like our lifestyle so I'll continue to do PR consulting from home and have the best of both worlds (Now just to get a babe in my arms)!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
My mom stayed at home until my littlest brother (who is 6 years younger than me) was in 1st grade. Then, she went back to work part time. I think she would have preferred staying home forever, but 4 kids were expensive, and my parents very generously paid for our college educations.
grapefruit / 4355 posts
Although, my parents own their own business so at some point after all of us were in school, my mom became the bookkeeper for the business.
pea / 22 posts
My mom was a SAHM until we were in school full time then she went back to work part-time. By the time we were in HS she was back to working full time though. She doesn't work for the money though, she works to stay busy. She used to say she would go crazy if she stayed home full time.
pineapple / 12802 posts
Both my parents worked full time. I stayed at a homecare place for a while and then when the same lady started working at a daycare my parents put me in the daycare so I'd be taken care of the same woman.
pea / 15 posts dad owned his own business so she would help out with that but she stayed at home with me and she also had a few kids she babysat for since I was an only child.
pear / 1852 posts
Nope, I had a SAHG.
A stay at home Grandmother! My Grammie looked after my sister and my cousins and I while our parents were at work, and it was awesome! We learned a lot from our grandparents, and got most of our values directly from them.
persimmon / 1341 posts
Both of my parents worked (and still do) but my mom went to work early and got home shortly after we got home from school and dad went to work after taking us to school. Then, when I was in 2nd grade my dad started his own construction company and has made his own hours ever since. Sometimes he would work in his shop in our backyard or be coming and go throughout the day. We knew we couldn't get away with much because we never knew when dad would come home.
I do want to be a SAHM but I'm not sure it's because of my parents working situation so much as a result of my husband's work.
cherry / 135 posts
My mom was a SAHM and I loved it. She created scavenger hunts, played games, took me on outings to the zoo and other places, took me to piano, ballet, etc - it was the best ever. She chose to be an active participant in my life (as opposed to my DH's mother who was also a SAHM, but did not do anything with/for her son). As soon as this little one comes out I will stop working and I can't wait!
pear / 1556 posts
My mom was a SAHM. I would LOVE to be a SAHM, I just don't know if we will be able to swing it financially.
coffee bean / 25 posts
My mom was a SAHM. We owned a family dairy growing up, so she was always available to us and the cows. She didn't start working again until I was in college.
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