112 votes
nectarine / 2173 posts
I went late so I thought I might have to, but I went into labor on my own a few days before the induction was scheduled.
grapefruit / 4321 posts
Kind of? With my second my water broke at 37+6. I was contracting but not regularly and not strong enough. Since my water was broken and I was GBS+ they had to give me pitocin to get things moving along. When I arrived at the hospital I was 3cm and 50% effaced. 14 hours later I was only 5cms and 75% effaced. The doc came to check on me and I had an emotional break down because I was so upset that I wasn't making any progress. And my epidural kept failing on my left side so I was in a lot of pain. Plus the baby kept having decels that scared me. The doc offered to do a c section and go ahead and get him out if I wanted her to, but she said she didn't think it was necessary. Well, apparently the emotional break down was all we needed because in the next 33 minutes I went from 5cms to baby delivered. With only half an epidural. It was crazy. Baby came out with the cord wrapped around his neck twice so that's why he was having decels.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
Yep. I was induced after my due date because my blood pressure was rising. That's common with donor conception pregnancies. Since I conceived via FET there was no question on my dates. I knew she was fully cooked and was stressing about her going past due and having problems like passing meconium. My induction went great! She was born on 40+3.
grapefruit / 4355 posts
Induced at 37 weeks due to severe pre-e. Induction failed though and I ended up with a c-section.
pomegranate / 3601 posts
No, but it was a close call with LO1. Had he waited one more day to make his entrance an induction would have happened. (Born at 41+2)
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
I was for DS (at 37 weeks) because he was an IUGR baby. DD seems to be heading that direction also so I'm expecting to be induced with her around that time as well.
However, I absolutely loved my L&D experience once we got over the initial scares/hurdles. I can only hope DD's L&D will be similar!
cherry / 197 posts
I was induced at 40wks+1 because I was 4cm dilated at my last check and I was just ready to have him.
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