I will be full term in 5 weeks!! Our due date is in 8 weeks but we will probably be induced between 38 and 39 because I have GD. It's getting pretty close, right?!

People keep asking me and DH if we are excited. I always say yes but, really, deep down, I'm not. I'm not excited?? Agh! I'm happy - don't get me wrong - I really want to be a mummy, I just feel kinda numb..... it still doesn't feel quite real. As I type this, my baby girl is kicking up a storm and I can't seem to make the connection that there is a person in there, my daughter, who is coming to meet us very soon....!

I'm confused - because I was super excited a few weeks ago!!! It was all I could think about a few weeks ago!!!!! I wonder if part of it is that I've been so busy - tying up loose ends at home and work, finishing my two part time university courses, preparing for BIL's 4-day wedding - that now I'm on the home stretch (everything is done apart from work - I go on leave 28th June) I feel kinda frazzled?

Anyway - I need to get excited again!! So tell me - were you/ are you excited to meet your little one? What were/are you looking forward to the most? What was wonderful about having your baby? What have I got to look forward to?

I'll start the list off:

- I'm looking forward to seeing what hair colour she has.
- I'm looking forward to seeing DH hold her for the first time.

** Edit - 1 hr later - It has just hit me! I know why I'm not excited. I am just so aware of everything that can go wrong, I don't think I will be able to really believe it until she is in my arms. Now that's a revelation. **