So I know this one has been started before. But why not start another because we all keep hearing them or hear new ones almost daily...what are some of the "out there" comments or advice people have given you that make your jaw want to drop...or then some about pregnancy or parenting???

I’m at the end of my pregnancy and I am ready for MANY reasons for this little girl to come. But one of the reasons being so I don’t have to hear some of the redic comments from people. (although I know it will then move on to parenting comments etc...)

My most recent "comment" I got at first I thought WAS a compliment... A women who works in my building stated "Wow you don’t look like you have gained much weight' in which I tell her "Thanks, yeah it hasn’t been too bad...around 25lbs or so" Her eyes get HUGE and then she responds 'WOW! Doctors say you should gain AT LEAST 30! You don’t feel like you are starving yourself do you?"

Ummmm WHAT?

What has been your most recent parenting or pregnancy unwanted advice or comment?