Ok ladies... What are your top five baby must haves for your LO? Ive heard so many things... Must popular at the moment is a Boppi! What's your top 5?
Ok ladies... What are your top five baby must haves for your LO? Ive heard so many things... Must popular at the moment is a Boppi! What's your top 5?
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
In the newborn stage, it was:
swaddle blanket with velcro
Boppy for tummy time and lounging around
Hungry Caterpillar plush toy (he loved that thing)
iPhone for taking videos
Bathtub with a sling
coconut / 8498 posts
Activity gym
Miracle Blanket
Video monitor
Breastpump (I have the Medela Swing)
coconut / 8279 posts
Rock N Play sleeper - I didn't want big bulky bassinets everywhere and this was so lightweight and easy to fold away, kept DS next to my bed for breastfeeding until almost 4 months old, I'd put him in this when I took a shower, too. It was a lifesaver.
Boppy - awesome for breastfeeding support while recovering with stitches and for tummy time
Breast Pump - DS preferred left side and my right would get engorged. I was able to pump and store with the Medela Pump in Style
Video monitor
Wipes Warmer - everyone told us not to get one because they were a waste, so I didn't at first but DS is a December baby and would tremble and cry during the first few diaper changes. I made DH go get us one immediately. For less than $20 it was worth it to me. And eventually DS didn't care whether they were warm or not but those first days home, I couldn't bear to see him shiver & cry like that.
pomegranate / 3383 posts
Fisher price newborn to toddler rocker
Aden + Anais swaddle blankets
Breast pump
iPad for mama
pineapple / 12526 posts
Aden + Anais swaddle blankets- we use these every. single. day. Worth every penny.
Boppy- My daughter is bottle fed and I still use this when I feed her. Also great for tummy time.
Nice camera- My point and shoot was not cutting it. DH bought me a Canon Rebel T3i DSLR when she was about 3 weeks old. I love having a ton of awesome pictures of her.
Swing- She lives in it. Its the only place she will nap.
NoseFrida- 1000% better than a bulb for clearing their little nose.
squash / 13199 posts
These are my current top 5, but as baby grows she changes so my top 5 changes too.
Nose frieda
lamaze sleep bra
Earth Mama Angel baby bottom balm
Ande + Anais swaddle blanket
pear / 1728 posts
as an infant:
*video monitor (an AngelCare was necessary for me too, but Im paranoid)
*Swaddle blankets (A&A) and Woombie for sleep
*Activity mat
*,my Ring Sling (I have a Sakura Bloom and LOVE it.) she spent HOURS in that thing when she was an infant and it helped when she had colic. We still use it now when I need to run somewhere quick and dont want to use the stroller or put her in a shopping cart.
*Earth Mama Angel Baby Bottom Balm - this stuff is a miracle salve. It clears diaper rash like instantly, and you can put it on scratches or insect bites or rashes. Love this stuff
Im against the grain here, but I used my boppy like twice. Neither time for BFing. It was a waste for me. Same with a swing and bouncer. She hated both. I also agree that for us, a wipes warmer was up there in necessity even though Liv was a July Baby. She still uses it
Now that she is a year old, the list has changed, but those things were vital for us.
persimmon / 1396 posts
Medela PIS pump- I went back to work at 6 weeks, so it gets LOTS of use
A&A swaddle blankets
Bouncy chair- she LOVES it
Pack and Play- she sleeps in it and it serves as our changing table in our bedroom
- we only use our boppy to sit her up a bit on the couch, never for BF.
hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts
Prince Lionheart Wipe Warmer-we cloth diaper so this keeps our wipes nice and warm!
Tweezerman Yellow Baby Nail Scissors- these are pricey but work the best for us! (but...I hate the hideous yellow pattern)
Ameda Purely Yours Ultra Breast Pump- I use(d) this about 7-9 times a day when LO was a newborn.
Pack and Play-our LO hated our bassinett with a passion but she liked the Pack and Play. She slept in this for 4.5 months!
Fisher Price-My Little Snugabunny Swing- This was a lifesaver for us in the early days. She loved napping in it....2-4 hours each time! Now she is almost 7 months and can't be bothered with it!
nectarine / 2039 posts
1) Halo swaddle sleep sacks
2) nursing stuff: bras, pads, BF pillow (frees up your hands), electric breast pump, lanolin to save your nipples the first few weeks (use early and often!), BF cover with the wire so I can watch LO (okay, I'm cheating by putting more than 5 on one line alone, but seriously, if you are BFing, the BFing stuff is more important than anything else!) Medela Calma nipple for bottle feeding with breastmilk.
3) wrap-sling carrier (Mine is a hybrid: called Blue Celery)....it is a must-have for me
4) all my cloth diaper stuff (BumGenius diapers, Rockin Green soap, cloth wipe solution (I buy mine rather than make my own, as when I tried to make my own he got a pimple on his bum bum!)
5) european baby bath http://spababytubs.com/store/ (used a sling in the sink for the first month, but then we got this and it's his very favourite thing to do....we let him go for a soak in the tub twice a day (no soap).
squash / 13199 posts
@autumnlove: we also have the snugabunny swing and also have the snugabunny sleeper. LO loves both of them but she gets sweaty in them if its a hot day and we dont blast the AC
bananas / 9227 posts
1. Carter's NB side-snap tees
They're my absolute newborn essential! Makes diaper changes a snap.
2. Itzbeen Baby Care Timer
For us, having a baby timer that's separate from our phones works best. With it, we're able to actually plan ahead and it's great to see the gradual change in LO eating/sleeping habits.
3. Cloud b Sleep Sheep
This was gifted to us by a friend and it took us awhile before we busted it out. But now at 3 weeks old, we can NOT live without it!
4. Aden + Anais swaddle blankets
The muslin material is perfect for summer! We use it so much, I even ordered a pack of the bamboo swaddles.
5. Tons of receiving blankets
We were gifted a bunch of these and thought we'd never use them because they're so small. But I use them all the time!!! I put them on top of everything the baby is on. Having a fresh sheet under her is easy, they're soft, and laundry is convenient.
My other essentials:
Electric Breast Pump & Comotomo bottles
nectarine / 2522 posts
Awesome Ladies.. I'm researching all these products... keep them coming!!
pineapple / 12526 posts
@Crumbs: I cant believe I forgot the sleep sheep! We've used it ever night since she was 2 weeks old. Its a lifesaver.
bananas / 9227 posts
@zippylef: I don't know why it took me so long to use it! I lost it in the covers once and ended up shushing until my mouth ran dry. Haha!
coffee bean / 47 posts
Swaddle blanket with Velcro
Pack n play with changing area that I keep in the living room
Nap nanny
A ton of burp cloths
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
T shirts instead of onesies!!
angelcare monitor
boppy for nursing, propping, for daddy to sleep on (:
boppy brand changing pad waterproof covers--makes changing snafus a quick fix!
sunlight-for sunning out yellow stains on cloth diapers and on clothing hit by blowouts
swing is great but not necessary (close 6th?)
nectarine / 2039 posts
@pastemoo: yeah, I never knew sunlight could do that; it was like watching a magic trick the first time I tried it. And wondering: why do you prefer Ts over onesies?
olive / 70 posts
Miracle blanket
Side snap tshirts
Aden and Anais blankets
Uppababy Vista stroller
Double electric pump
Other stuff- baby calendar instead of a baby book for jotting down milestones; a + d to prevent diaper rash; carters super soft over the shoulder burp cloths; boppy for sure; snugabunny bouncer seat; lots of hooded towels and wash cloths
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
In the first 6 months it was...
Tiny Love Mobile
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@Crumbs: I could not figure out, for the life of me, the Itzbeen timer. SO confusing. DH couldn't either.
1) Aden & Anais Swaddle blankets (we used them for burp cloths too)
2) Swaddle sacks (we never used the miracle blanket, we had the kiddopotamus instead)
3) Foscam "monitor"
4) Nose Freida
5) Turn A New Leaf (Etsy) Organic wool mattress topper - the ONLY way we could get him to sleep in his crib was with this topper!
GOLD / papaya / 10206 posts
Aden & Anais blankets... For swaddling, nursing cover, sun shade in her stroller, spit ups and soooooooo much more. Agreed, worth every penny
Fisher Price Swing (Snugabunny) the best place to get her to nap for the first three months, and it plugs in so no battery changes.
Sleep Sheep, we have two now. The original, and the little on goes on our carseat.
Some sort of sleeping arrangement for her toe in our room at first. We used a small pack n play. In the early weeks, I was so tired, and being able to just reach over and pull her into my arms to feed her was such a relief.
A good snot sucker (nosefreida or hydrasense). The bulbs just don't cut it when this little girl is congested. Using saline makes all the difference in the world.
Eta: woot! 1000th post!!
olive / 70 posts
Agreed...saline drops and nose frida! Although we didn't use the nose frida until 2 months, our ped was not a fan of auctioning newborn noses...makes the teeny tiny nasal passages swollen, making congestion even worse.
cantaloupe / 6751 posts
In no particular order:
- Halo sleepsack. We have a February baby and the fleece sleepsack kept her nice and cozy.
- 'Baby 411' book. Quick & easy reference guide I could turn to if I had a question (sometimes the internet can be a scary place!)
- Pack & Play with Newborn Napper. Our LO slept in this until she was about 3 months old.
- Breast pump. I had lots of supply issues so a breast pump was vital to my breastfeeding success.
- My Brest Friend. I preferred this to the Boppy.
grapefruit / 4278 posts
It's kind of hard to narrow it down to the top 5...
- velcro swaddle blanket (he learned to bust out of the A+A blankets early)
- video monitor
- white noise machine
- snugga-bunny swing (this is sometimes the only way to get him to sleep)
- activity mat (we broke this out around 4 weeks it's been so fun to watch him go from just staring up at the toys, to flailing around and accidentally hitting them, to purposely batting at them now)
persimmon / 1205 posts
Our LO is just 3 weeks old so this list may change but right now our top 5 items are
-Receiving Blankets. Our favorites are the Ultimate Receiving Blankets. These are big, great to swaddle with, and warmer than the A&A blankets which is great for the AC. We use the A&A blankets as well, which are great for being outside in the warmer weather.
-Carters Bibs and burp cloths. I love that they have a backing that helps them be water-resistant. Our little girl is a messy eater and spits up sometimes after she eats so she always has one of these on.
-Dreft Stain Remover Spray. Seriously, this stuff is the BOMB! I have only been able to find this at babies r us, and picked up 5 bottles yesterday. That's how much I love this stuff! As mentioned above, LO spits up and her outfits and bibs were all getting stained. This stuff gets out formula stains no problem! LO also had a HUGE poop explosion that got all over her clothes and her blanket and this stuff got those stains out as well. Spray liberally and wash in hot water. I want to buy stock in Dreft - that's how good this stuff works. BUY SOME!
-Fisher Price Rock n' Play Sleeper. We use this in the living room for her to sleep or hang out in, and it's easily portable so we'll bring it on visits to other people's houses as well. We definitely use it daily.
-Carters Sleep and Play rompers. LO fusses horribly when we pull stuff over her head, and these outfits have been great. Since we're in AC most of the time, she needs to be dressed warmly so they work great in the summer as well. They are easy to get her in and out of and to change her diaper. This is the one clothing item I went out and stocked up on.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@cvbee: then i don't have to change anything but the diaper when it's changing time!
nectarine / 2522 posts
I'm totally bumping this thread now that I am pregnant!! woo hoo!!! What are your top 5 items?!
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
Vibrating bouncy seat.
A+A blankets for everything from swaddling to cleaning up spit-up
Somewhere for baby to sleep in your room for the first 3 months (we used a basssinet)
Ergo carrier. I use it now at 6 months more than I did when she was little. I love it!!
honeydew / 7687 posts
Zip up sleep and plays
Nose Frieda
Halo sleep sacks
Aden anais blankets
And my iPhone! F
Got it in anyicipation of baby for better pictures and easier adult entertainment like now while I wait to be sure he's staying asleep'
bananas / 9227 posts
It's pretty interesting to read my reply 5 months ago because now at 6 mo, LO doesn't use most of that stuff anymore! Here's my my updated list (looking back at her NB+ days).
My updated list (looking back at her early days)/what I'd NEED if ever we have another NB baby list:
1. NB bouncer. We had the Bright Starts Comfort & Harmony bouncer, but I'm sure any would do. Absolute essential. Seriously, it's the one thing that I look back on and think I'll NEED. We didn't use it until she was older (because she was too small to be cozy in the beginning and we forgot about it), that's why it didn't make it onto her old list. But once we used it, we were able to eat as a couple again!
2. Mebby Jelly Baby Changing Mat + Libero disposable liners
I wish it was coated, but she's really comfortable in it. But we use a cloth cover + disposable liners, so it's not an issue.
3. Baby nail clippers
Her nails grow crazy fast and she loves to rub her face. I bought a pair from eBay from a HK vendor that I still use now.
4. Saline drops + NoseFrida
5. Tons of soft, baby washcloths
Notable mentions:
+Skip Hop Treetop Friends Activity Gym - still my most used item since her early days.
+Tons of receiving blankets (the only item that made it on my previous list). We still use them for everything.
+Tippitoes Mini Bath
+Kaiser Cuddly Bag Little Sheepy
grapefruit / 4817 posts
For a newborn:
1. The snug a bunny swing
2. Aiden & Anais burpy bibs
3. Boppy
4. Moby wrap
5. Rock n play
Now at 8.5 months:
1. Mamas and papas snug seat.
2. Little Tikes cozy cruiser.
3. Sleepmachine app on iPad.
4. Ergo carrier
5. Video monitor. We have the ibaby.
Honorable mentions
Cooshee changer
Aiden and Anais blankets
Tons and tons of onesies
Baby gap socks
Puj tub
Nose Frieda
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