honeydew / 7235 posts
1 A+A blankets
2 Rock n Play
3 long sleeve onesies
4 iphone (or ipad for keeping track of feedings and entertaining mama)
5 lanolin -esp first week! if bfing
actually - this list is totally right on:
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
1. Aden & Anais blankets and burp cloths/bibs.
2. Boppy
3. Snugabunny Swing (how do peeps live w/o this?)
4. Agree with @hellobeeboston on the lanolin...You WILL need something for your nips the first few days, and that not only works, but it's ok for baby to nurse w/it on there. Unlike nipple butter which the nurse told me wasn't good for baby to nurse
5. Motorola video monitor
squash / 13764 posts
1. A&a blankets for swaddling/everything, and swaddle me for night time.
2. Moby/ergo- some sort of baby carrier
3. Snuga bunny swing
4. Zip up sleepers
5. A lactation counselor--would not have survived the first month without one, and would definitely not still be breastfeedng now
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
1. Kimono-style shirts (for no-over-the-head clothing changes and super easy diaper changes)
2. A+A swaddle blankets - we (still) use these every day for so many different things
3. Rock N Play Sleeper
4. Lactation Consultant - the one at the hospital was AWFUL, and I could never have made it this far (17 weeks) without help!
5. iPhone (to track feedings/feeding patterns and wet/dirty diapers)
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
NB Stage:
1) Rock N Play
2) Swing
3) Activity Mat
4) Nose sucker and nasal spray
5) Nail File (I was too scared in the beginning to clip)
3 Month:
1) Video Monitor
2) Bobby
3) Bumbo chair
4) Bibs..lots of them
5) battery powered nose sucker...we use it a ton
apricot / 457 posts
1. Lots and lots of swaddling blankets - love A&A like everyone else. Your baby will poop all over them faster than you can blink
2. Lots and lots of onesies - see above. Just get them in newborn and 0-3 months because they'll also grow overnight like magic and what fit one minute will suddenly be too small the next
3. Boppy
4. Frozen pre-cooked meals. If you have enough time now while pregnant to cook, freeze as many meals as you can because cooking will be the last thing on your mind when the baby comes. I ate so much cereal and pb&j sandwiches because that was all I had time for during the day.
5. Rolls and rolls of paper towels and cleaning supplies. Our baby boy had projectile pee that would go EVERYWHERE. On his changing pad, on the wall, on the carpet, on us, etc. He would also spit up while we were holding him on the couch so just be sure to have a damp paper towel ready at all times for lots of spot cleaning.
pineapple / 12802 posts
Totally subscribing!
I also have a question, I see a lot of you are mentioning Aden and Anais blankets. Are they easy to swaddle with? I read somewhere that swaddle blankets with snaps or velco or something work better than regular blankets and I'm just wonder if these are easy to use? I have no idea how to swaddle and wouldn't want my baby to break out of the poor swaddle I'd do with a regular blanket.
I've looked these blankets up and I LOVE the way they look and would love some, I'm just worried I'm not smart enough to use them! haha
squash / 13764 posts
@.twist.: the A&A blankets are stretchy, so they're easy to swaddle with (we use the DUDU method from happiest baby on the block). We also double swaddle, so do the DUDU method with two blankets, one on top of another. This makes it harder for LO to break out of. However, we use a swaddle me (with velcro) for nighttime because the first night we used it, he slept 7 hours and now I'm scared to mess with it, lol. BUt the A&As are great for naps and they have a million other uses too. We have 8 and love them all.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
1. Pack and Play w/ changing station and newborn napper
2. Wabba Nub
3. A&A blankets
4. Bottles w/ slow flow nipple
5. Baby Bath tub
bananas / 9357 posts
NB to 3 months:
1. Swaddle blankets- A+A, swaddleme, and now I like halo fleece sleep sack swaddle now that its cold.
2. Bouncy chair - he sleeps in this at night
3. Beco Gemini carrier- we could not go shopping with out this. Also great for around the house.
4. Burp cloths and bibs - my LO spits up a lot.
5. Sleep and plays
persimmon / 1085 posts
1) Snug a bunny swing..he loves it!!
2) Swaddle Me Velcro -sleeps through the night with it since 4 weeks old!
3) Activity Mat
4) Video Monitor
5) pacifiers
persimmon / 1085 posts
@.twist.: We LOVE the velcro swaddle blanket. So much easier than a regular blanket!
honeydew / 7235 posts
@.twist.: we used the A+A blankets for swaddling in the beginning, but my LO didn't love being swaddled... we still use them every day as blankets for him, nursing covers, something to put down on the carpet or couch, car seat cover, burp cloths, etc!
eggplant / 11287 posts
-aiden and anais blankets
-moby wrap (lifesaver!!)
-designated changing table
-a swing
-diaper genie (I thought they were so unnecessary until I got one)
-lots of socks (not cute ones....ones that actually stay on)
-a good nursing bra (like Hotmilk), not a cheapie one
pineapple / 12234 posts
1) swaddle me's
2) swing
3) pacifier
4) beco Gemini carrier
5) sleep and plays
Older babies:
1) bamboo crib sheet (she loves the softness!)
2) exercauser
3) baby bjorn bib catcher
4) stackable toy (we have bowls)
5) high chair
pomelo / 5628 posts
@.twist.: I think the A & A are much easier to swaddle with than regular blankets because of the stretch. But I would only use them for daytime swaddling. At night, the velcro types are safer (to protect against SIDS). My hospital recommends HALO sleepsacks.
Let me add a slightly different perspective.
My top 5 0-3 months in the NICU:
1. Boppy. It makes a hospital rocker so much more comfortable for holding LO. I use it anytime I hold him including BF and bottle feeding. I also really like the plush cover I have.
2. A & A Blankets. Hospital blankets are so rough! I can't keep my A & A blankets clean long enough for him to always have one, but it makes me much happier when he does. We use it to swaddle and/or as an extra layer when I'm holding him.
3. Soothies. These actually help baby learn how to suck. It's physical therapy in a pacifier!
4. Sleepers with Snaps. Yes the snaps are annoying. But NICU babies are hooked to all kinds of monitors. The cords can come out between any of the snaps. Zip up wouldn't work.
5. Lovies and/or little tiny stuff animals. At the beginning it was nice to just have something normal in his bed with him. I could use it as a blanket. Now he'll sit and stare at his little monkey when he's awake in his crib.
"My Early Arrival Baby Journal" - This isn't exactly an essential. But it's so nice to have a baby book made for preemies. One less thing to miss out on or not quite fit in with.
Sleep Sheep. I'm going to take it in today - I keep forgetting.
Tub. Babies still get baths in the NICU.
Mobile. I have a Tiny Love. Only for older babies and/or babies with a longer stay time, but I think LO is ready.
pineapple / 12802 posts
@hilsy85: Thanks!! I actually just looked up how to swaddle and it looks pretty easy, I think even I could do it!
@Jenn23: @hellobeeboston: Thanks ladies! They sound very multi purpose! I definitely will be getting some of them!
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