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What did you wear in first trimester when your clothes aren't fitting right?

  1. fussygal

    pomegranate / 3580 posts

    @runnerd: I was in the same situation (gained a bit of weight before getting pregnant)! I was in my first tri in the summer so skirts came to the rescue. I also started wearing maternity pants early on (11 weeks) because the Belly Bands A) didn't work for me - it kept scrunching down and B) I didn't have many items they would extend.

    Maybe you could do cute dresses and skirts with some thick tights? I've found that for things like tights and leggings getting maternity sizes hasn't been necessary (maybe just size up a bit?).

  2. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    I did the hair tie trick for awhile. Worked great. Then started wearing maternity pants.

  3. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    dresses. I showed super early.

  4. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    I went ahead and bought maternity jeans and work pants at 11 weeks when'd things started to get too snug for comfort. The relief was incredible.

  5. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @whodat: how does the sizing on HM pants run compared to your non-pregnant size?

  6. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    I wore the BeBand (Bella Band for Target) through most of my pregnancy. It was only at the end when my pants were digging in uncomfortably. I didn't start wearing maternity bottoms until mid second tri, I think. Dresses and long sweaters are a great option!

  7. whodat

    apricot / 365 posts

    @runnerd: I don't think it's that different. I wear a 4 normally but H&M runs small so I got a 6 in the maternity pants and they fit perfect.

  8. Greentea

    pomelo / 5678 posts

    I got maternity jeans that were too big so I could grow!

  9. farawayyama

    kiwi / 556 posts

    I went to goodwill and got some maternity jeans, that way if they don't last the whole pregnancy I'm only out $3. Those plus yoga pants with the foldover panel unfolded and maxi skirts are my current staples.

    I'm an interesting case though, because I have developed some nasty feeling cyst(s) with pregnancy that has caused my bloat to be huge, hence I was in maternity clothes at 5w exactly, at the OBGYN's advice. I can't wear the underbelly ones, as they dig into the cyst(s), so I am in full panel, and they work well

  10. autumn865

    persimmon / 1147 posts

    Target sells these bands that you wear around your hips that cover the top of your pants so you can leave your button undone for more room. Best invention ever!

  11. night cheese

    apricot / 453 posts

    I've been living in fleece-lined leggings, big sweaters, and boots.

  12. littleredhairedgrl

    persimmon / 1135 posts

    i hated the bella bands.. it always rose up on me and i still felt like i was walking around with pants undone. i just ended up buying a bunch of maternity leggings and made everything much more comfortable -- esp with all the bloat!

  13. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    I immediately bought a couple pairs of jeans in a size bigger than what I normally wore because even at 4-5 weeks, my stomach hurt so badly when I tried to put anything even near it! I wore those jeans with baggier shirts for awhile, and then got and started wearing maternity jeans around 12 weeks. Maternity pants are amazing, I like mine so much more than normal jeans, hahaha! I mostly bought full panel ones and folded the panel down for awhile, but now at 27 weeks I wear it all the way up and kind of hate the one demi panel that I have,

    Also, I love long maternity sweaters, and most of the ones I have don't have ruching so I think they'll work post-baby too. I really like Loft Maternity--I've had great luck with everything from there so far! It's a little pricier than Gap or Old Navy but nicer IMO.

  14. LatteLove

    apricot / 441 posts

    I plan to wear a lot of jersey knit dresses and skip pants, but I have heard from some friends to buy maternity clothes as early as they'll fit, so you get the most use of them possible!

    Buying at least one pair of pants a size up probably isn't a bad idea though, considering you will likely also wear them post-partum for a while!

  15. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    I have the same problem! I gained 5 lbs prepregnancy and none of my pants fit. I just started wearing maternity pants this morning (I'm 11w5d). I've been trying to do dresses but it's been so cold here. I bought a band from Target and it works in a pinch but I don't love it - it rides up and shifts a lot and is just not super comfortable. I have one pair of jeans that always rode too low and were too big in the waistband but fit perfectly everywhere else, and I'm planning on wearing those for awhile. I've started buying loser fitting dresses already, since that's what I plan to wear once it stops effing snowing.


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