What items do you think are necessary to replace or have two of on hand for two under two? A friend of mine is very kindly offering to throw me a "welcome, baby" sort of party (I've asked her not to call it a shower, since I had a full on shower with my older daughter, who will be under two when this baby arrives). People are asking me if I've registered...I didn't plan to, since I didn't want anyone to feel obligated to buy gifts...but I'm willing to provide those who press harder some info on things that would be really useful to our family, since we've got TONS of clothes/toys already. my thoughts on things we need are:

- A booster/high chair - DD#1 definitely won't be ready to sit in a regular chair by the time DD#2 needs a high chair, so I guess we need two otherwise we'd have to rotate meal times

- Feeding accessories: As #2 gets a little older....did you keep separate dishes/spoons/sippy cups (for the sake of avoiding arguments more than hygiene) or did your kids just share?

- Special lovies: I don't want to end up with a million and four blankies/stuffed animals that DD#2 could care less about, but at the same time, I feel badly if her only choices for something to attach to are DD#1's rejects, haha

- Special clothes: We have TONS of sweet little girl clothes, but DD#2 should probably get a few of her own special things - coming home outfit, first shoes...anything else? I'm thinking more of things she might treasure later when she's a mama herself, not so much that she'd care now!

- Anything else? I'm thinking I may want to buy another Maclaren (umbrella stroller) later on for travel, but I've got time to decide about that, and we already have 1 travel stroller + our main stroller, so for outings or in a pinch I've already got a stroller per kid. We live in a big city with not a lot of storage space, and lots of hills/narrow sidewalks/small stores in the neighborhood, so I wasn't planning on a double stroller, unless MAYBE it's a double umbrella stroller, down the road.

I saw a similar post recently on what you need two of for twins, but I think that information changes bit when one of the kiddos is older (though still a baby/young toddler) - hopefully it means I need LESS stuff