Hellobee Boards


What do your parents do?

  1. Mrs. Lantern

    apricot / 359 posts

    @MrsCB: UXD! I believe you are too, correct?

  2. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    @Mrs. Lantern: Yes, I am! How exciting, I've never run across anyone else that understood what I did, much less did the same thing.

  3. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    My mom does accounting (AP). My dad is the head IT guy (don't know what his title is, I used to know, but the information has left my brain apparently) for a large school district here.

    I don't like accounting and I know nothing about IT so, I did not follow their footsteps. Although my mom and I work in the same industry - construction.

  4. Rosie Girl

    pear / 1639 posts

    @yoursilverlining: My mom used to paint and even sold some of her paintings! Unfortunately, I got NONE of her artistic ability. I'm lucky if you can guess my stick figures!

  5. Rosie Girl

    pear / 1639 posts

    @LemonLong: It must be so fun being pregnant and your mom owning a baby botique!!!

  6. Mrs. Lantern

    apricot / 359 posts

    @MrsCB: Whenever people ask me what it is that I do, I just say I design usable software because that's as close as they can (and would bother to!) understand it LOL.

  7. Mrs.M57

    kiwi / 515 posts

    Mom is an 8th grade teacher and Dad was a post master for a post office.
    I could see myself teaching, but love staying home for now as well as the job I left behind(occupational therapist)

    After seeing what my Dad did, I would never want to work for the post office!

  8. DigAPony

    pear / 1787 posts

    My dad is a draftsman (does house/building plans--kind of like an architect, but not!). My mom was a high school special ed teacher for over thirty years. She retired a few years ago but still works for her school as the special ed department head and as a job coach for new and/or struggling teachers.

    I grew up wanting to be a teacher, and though I'm currently job hunting, my field is teaching at the college level.

  9. StbHisMrs

    pomegranate / 3329 posts

    My Dad owns his own metal fab shop, he does it for side jobs mostly. He works as the machinist foreman for a very large seafood company in Alaska May-August. He took my hubby up there with him this year to operate the crane for them.

    My Mom is a very talented tole painter, she was a SAHM all but 4 years of my childhood. She was an X-Ray tech before that.

    I would only want to be a SAHM, but alas I'm in insurance.

  10. pinkcupcake

    cantaloupe / 6751 posts

    My parents are both retired but they used to own their own business. Dad was also in prop development. I'm a lawyer (currently sah) so I didn't follow in their footsteps

  11. Mrs Checkers

    blogger / persimmon / 1220 posts

    My dad is a pastor and my mom is a registered nurse. Never had interest in either profession!

  12. Arden

    honeydew / 7589 posts

    My parents are aid workers, DH's parents are aid workers, and so are we!
    My parents didn't get into that until their late thirties though, before that my dad was in the Air Force and taught at the air college.

  13. thismustbetheplace

    kiwi / 633 posts

    @yoursilverlining: Both of my parents work for L.L. Bean as well! My mom has been with them in HR for 21 years, and my dad works in Merchandising (16 years). I actually work part time (second job) in the L.L. Bean store near where I live in NY, and my youngest sister works seasonally packing orders in Freeport. We're a family of Beaners


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