Hellobee Boards


What is your adult sibling relationship like?

  • poll: How would you describe your adult sibling relationship?
    Highly supportive/positive : (52 votes)
    50 %
    Mediocre : (45 votes)
    44 %
    Hostile : (0 votes)
    No relationship at all : (6 votes)
    6 %
  1. Rocker2014

    persimmon / 1367 posts

    I didn't vote bc I don't know that "mediocre" captures it. I have one brother, 4 years younger and we have a very minimal relationship. We've never been close and still aren't. We get along fine now, though there was a lot of conflict growing up. Despite having a lot in common "on paper", we just...never connected. He's a very social person but doesn't really have any close friends and avoids romantic relationships. He says he doesn't really see the point. Our relationship is the same - fine, but not close. We see each other rarely, but live on opposite sides of the country so that factors in.

  2. SugarplumsMom

    bananas / 9227 posts

    My brother and I are 8 yrs apart - the age gap is just too great for us and we weren't so close to begin with. We also haven't lived in the same country in over 10 yrs, which hasn't helped all. Our relationship is now bordering on non-existent. We message each other on birthdays and sometimes see each other on Christmas if we're both "home" to visit. But other than that, I don't really know, know him anymore. I am sad about it. I've always thought of him more like a child than a sibling, but our interaction is so limited. If we lived in the same country, I know we'd be closer, but that's just not possible.

  3. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    My brother is 2.5 years younger than me, and lives an hour away. We see each other at every holiday, including every family birthday- so it probably comes out to once every month-6 weeks or so. We occasionally text- funny stuff, cute kid pictures.
    I have always wished we were closer, but he's kind of a socially awkward guy and so is his wife- they are homebodies and not great at relationships, to be honest. I try not to take it personally. If I needed something they'd help in a heartbeat, and the same is true for us.
    I'm super close with my parents. I text with my mom and dad every day, facetime at least once a week, and rarely go longer than 3 weeks without seeing them in person (they live an hour away).

    My husband has a sister 2 years younger than him and a sister about 5 years younger than him. He actively dislikes the middle sister and tries to avoid spending time with her (no real blowout, he just doesn't like her). He likes the youngest sister, but they rarely talk and rarely see each other (we see her maybe once a year- she lives 8 hours away). He also doesn't really enjoy spending time with his parents. The whole family dynamic is kind of a mess.

  4. crazydoglady

    nectarine / 2431 posts

    I am one of four. My older brother and I have never gotten along, but now that we have gotten older, I would call it mediocre at best. He's just never had a whole lot of motivation for...well...anything and that drives me nuts. He also still lives with my parents so... I just realized I dont even have his phone number.
    My sister and I are really really close. We butted heads as kids, but we get along really well now and talk ALL the time. We go on girls trips together, are constantly texting....I seriously dont know what I would do without her.
    My younger brother and I were really close as kids and have always gotten. along well (he can make me laugh like almost no one,) but he is in a different place in life than me (single and lives in the city.) We dont text (often) and we never talk on the phone, but we always have fun when he is in town.

  5. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    I voted twice.
    Very close with my sister. She’s 20 months younger than me. In fact on Saturday she was like “hello are you alive?” Because it had been 24 hours since she heard from me. Haha. So we talk a lot. She lives a long drive/flight away so we also try to get together without kids once a year or so. Usually with my mom too.

    My relationship with my younger brother (5 years) is mediocre. We are very different and disagree about a lot. I love him and mostly we get along but we don’t go out of our way to talk to see each other. He rarely texts or responds to me when I do. It’s not a priority to see me when I’m home. So I’ve sort of started following suit.
    To be fair he’s a 33 year old single guy so there’s probably a lot about my life he just doesn’t relate to or find interesting. Maybe if/when he has a family he’ll change his attitude.

  6. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    I have a brother who is 2.5 years older. We have a supportive and positive relationship in general, but we’ve grown a little apart in the last couple of years. Growing up we were always close and in our 20s we lived a few blocks away from one another in NYC. We hung out and saw each other all the time.

    Now that we are both married with kids, it’s just hard to connect as much. He’s still in the city while I’m in the burbs, and with traffic it can take close to 2 hours in the car. He is terrible at texting me back and calling me. Despite that, we still see each other every month or so. I guess that is pretty good?! Lol I wish it was more frequent though.

    I really like my SIL. She’s 6 years younger and in the city (newly married no kids). We text and FaceTime often. My husband is close to her too, although we sometimes feel like there is a generational gap between us (she’s very much a millennial, and we are that strange gap between millennial and gen x)

  7. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    My brother is 16 months older and we're VERY close. We hang out every other weekend to play board games together and just hang out. And when we're not seeing each other, we're e-mailing each other about games, shows we watch, books, family drama, etc (he's not into texting or otherwise we'd do that instead of email). We're basically best friends.

    When we were little, we were very close, but then as we got older, we grew apart as he was part of the "popular" crowd in high school and I wasn't. He'd pretend he didn't know me when we saw each other in school, haha. But then we both went to college, matured, and I think we both realized that we both were into the same things and we just have so much fun together!

    I'm really hoping my boys will enjoy a close relationship with each other like I enjoy with my brother.

  8. LadyDi

    persimmon / 1380 posts

    @Adira: That's so sweet! My two youngest will be 16 months apart...I hope they end up being friends like that!

  9. Mrsbells

    squash / 13199 posts

    @cat620: I think most people I know personally are close with their siblings. Having said that, family relationships can be complicated and so many factors can play a role in it so there really is no typical adult sibling relationship. I am much closer to one of my siblings than I am to the other and I definitely did have friends that I see ans hang out with more than my siblings.


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