Warning: the purpose of this post is to vent : P Sorry, just needed to get all this off my chest!

I'm a couple days from my due date, and I don't know if it's hormones or anxiety but I'm so ANNOYED with a friend who lives in a different city who has been texting me today.
1. she asked if I'd had the baby yet, then said 'Wow, that baby really doesn't want to come out, does she?'
2. 'Are you even dilated?' (No, and thanks for reminding me)
3. She shared her own birth experience, telling me she went a week past her due date, had to be induced, which resulted in unbearable contractions, and 3rd degree tears
4. Said I'll probably be induced too
5. 'Good luck! Make sure you send me pictures ASAP!'

ARGH!!! I should have told people I was due in June