Hellobee Boards


What's your budget for LO(s) holiday/birthday gifts?

  • poll:
    0-25 : (3 votes)
    4 %
    25-50 : (8 votes)
    10 %
    50-75 : (3 votes)
    4 %
    75-100 : (20 votes)
    26 %
    100-150 : (19 votes)
    25 %
    150-200 : (11 votes)
    14 %
    200-300 : (4 votes)
    5 %
    300+ : (9 votes)
    12 %
  1. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: We got LO this scooter for her birthday and it was a hit!

  2. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    We don't have a budget but we don't really do a ton of or big gifts for bday/Christmas. He's gifted so much from friends/family and we buy leisurely throughout the year. Ds turns 3 just before thanksgiving and we'll probably do a family wknd trip to great wolf lodge and a small party w close friends and fam.

  3. lamariniere

    pineapple / 12566 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: Actually though, I should mention that we ended up getting the Micro Maxi scooter for DS earlier this year (and now DD uses the Mini), he was too tall for the Mini at just after 4. You may want to look into the Maxi because you can adjust the handlebars and the weight limit is up to 110lbs. At the lowest setting it is the same height as the Mini. It's a bit more expensive but you can get many more years of use out of it (up to age 12ish they say).


  4. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @lamariniere: ah! Thanks for letting me know. J is already 3.5.

  5. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    He is too young to know the difference and always gets something from his grandmas so we usually do ten to twenty bucks and sometimes nothing. But we take him out for his birthday dinner.

  6. NavyRN2012

    persimmon / 1447 posts

    We have no set amount for Chirstmas, we just buy what they want. For birthdays, we do experience gifts.

  7. farawayyama

    kiwi / 556 posts

    Not too high. Typically under $50.

    This year it will be higher because we are wrapping up random stuff she needs so she can pull the paper off, e.g. we are "gifting" her a convertable seat that fits in Daddy's car.

    If we have more kids, I plan to follow my in-laws needs (they have four kids). They spend about $30-50 per person, but every year 1-2 people are chosen for bigger gifts that might cost more. That way they can give the big ticket items (the highlight of MIL's year is christmas gift giving) without breaking the bank.

  8. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Around 100-150 per kid. We usually do one bigger gift and then books.

  9. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    I don't have a budget. I just get what I want them to have or what I know they want. Same for Christmas. I'll save random things I want them to have for Christmas and birthdays. Like I will be getting LO2 a Dream blanket for Christmas since LO1 has one and loves it. As well as the PB anywhere chair...


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