So, this afternoon I haven't been feeling all that great. I noticed my lower back was hurting and my bra felt really tight. I started poking around on my belly and realized my belly (uterus) was super tight. I'm slightly nauseous, but I figure that's from the milkshake I had at lunch (hehe).

My stomach is not as tight anymore but I still have the other symptoms. Would it be best just to call the OB and ask what's up or, since I have an appointment tomorrow, just wait until then? I'll be 37 weeks Saturday, so I'm really wondering if these are normal late-pregnancy feelings?

I don't want to ask my husband b/c he's Mr. "Never Give In!!" and wouldn't call a doctor unless his head was falling off. I don't really have a lot of friends who have been through this either Hellobee I come with my question.

Call or wait till tomorrow?