The subject line is rhetorical, I'm just venting. A month ago my 6 month old got a fever and threw up and my kids (there are three of them) have been sick nonstop since then. Viruses with extended, high fevers (7+ days), runny noses, horrible coughs (not the flu, probably rsv says the pediatrician) which translated into pink eye and multiple ear infections. We had a 48 our reprieve last weekend then my 4yo started vomiting Monday morning. On Wednesday my infant vomited. This past weekend everyone seemed healthy but my 2yo seemed "off" yesterday (it was his bday!). Woke up from his nap with a fever, a super runny nose and a cough back in full force. Today the baby had a fever, threw up, runny nose, cough. They finished antibiotics for their ears a few days ago so I am hoping it didn't clear up and that they just need another round....not that it's a whole new virus...especially since we had a bday party yesterday. But this has basically been going on for a month nonstop. I SAH, which is great bc otherwise we'd be burning our PTO, but bad bc I am honestly going insane. I have become crazy about taking their temperature and I have more anxiety than I have had in years. DH keeps telling me to "take it one day at a time" and if he says that one more time I am probably going to punch him in the face. I just want my happy, healthy kids back! Anyone else dealing with a ton of sickness this winter?
Also, how do I detox them off the massive amount of TV they have watched over the past month???
end rant.