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Where do you toss your diapers?

  1. PinkElephant

    grapefruit / 4584 posts

    @Goldengirl: I'm on baby #3 and have NEVER had a diaper pail. Breastmilk poop we just folded the diaper tightly and refastened it with the tape so it was in a tight, pretty much odor proof little bundle. Those went in a trash can with a lid, which got emptied every day. Never had an odor problem. As the kids got bigger, we shook out solid poop into the toilet, then depending on how soiled the diaper itself was either wrapped it tightly, bagged it if necessary, and put it in the trash....or took it directly out to the street trash. I personally just didn't want one more trash can (a diaper pail) to have to buy bags for, empty nearly daily, wipe down and sanitize every couple of weeks.

  2. pwnstar

    pear / 1718 posts

    Ubbi (it's awesome and does not require special bags). We also flush poop before disposing of the diaper.

  3. atoz

    cherry / 201 posts

    We're in cloth now, but when we started with disposables we just used a step trash can with a flip-top lid. We're EBF, but I would find it would get a little stinky when it was hot out...I usually ended up just taking out the trash 2 days a week because I hated wasting all the plastic from trash bags.

    Now that we're in cloth, I'm using the same set-up but with an old pillowcase as a pail liner. Because we wash diapers every other day (and keep the lid open to prevent ammonia build up) I find there's no time for it to start smelling.

    For diaper registry things, you might want to try a few different wipe brands before you stock up on a ton. We got a bunch as gifts but ultimately found that everything but Water Wipes would leave her skin a little irritated.

  4. macintosh

    pear / 1750 posts

    Diaper Dekor here. It uses a long cylinder of plastic that you tie off. It's kind of annoying to order the refills (Amazon), but I like that I can tie it off to take out an especially stinky diaper and not waste a whole bag. I don't flush poops, but it's usually only smelly when you open the lid. I take it out more often now because it fills up faster with bigger diapers.

  5. Iced Tea

    persimmon / 1310 posts

    We mostly cloth diaper. They go into an open pail or a travel waterproof bag (when we are out).

    Thanks to elimination communication, we have rarely had poopy diapers since she was 6 months old. She signals and we take her to the potty. But when there is a poopy diaper, we flip the poop into the toilet. Then I presoak those in the utility sink with some biz to prevent stains (most people don't do this; it is just my preference).

    We do disposables at night, and we put those in the regular trash can, which is taken out every couple of days.

  6. SweetCaroline

    pear / 1718 posts

    Same as @PinkElephant: I do not use a diaper pail of any kind. I find them nasty. We just toss in the garbage...if they are super stinky we toss in a plastic bag and/or take straight to the outdoor garbage can. We empty our garbage daily. I don't need an extra contain er to kick around.

    I opened my SIL's diaper genie before and almost threw up it smelled so nasty.

  7. Mrsbells

    squash / 13199 posts

    @SweetCaroline: you shouldnt be able to smell anything when you open the lid of diaper. several of my friends have them and when you lift the lid up you smell nothing because the bag twists and seals after each diaper is placed in it.

  8. SweetCaroline

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Mrsbells: well they must have been using it wrong--super raunchy!!!

    ETA: or my niece is a super stinky pooper...my nose doesn't lie...

  9. PinkElephant

    grapefruit / 4584 posts

    @Mrsbells: @SweetCaroline: I find it SO HARD to figure out if I'm using a diaper pail properly (when I've used one while babysitting or at a friend's house) - I just can't tell if it's twisted properly.

  10. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    We have two dekor diaper bins (one for cloth diapers and other for other poopy stuff like disposables). Sometimes there's a smell when I open the lid but I am using a 'fresh wave' room deodorant and it's a great combo.

  11. Mrsbells

    squash / 13199 posts

    @PinkElephant: lol! ususally if they load the bag properly you just have to push the diaper in and it twists by itself and 'seals' it in

  12. lady baltimore

    persimmon / 1196 posts

    I just bought a small lidded trash can from BB&B, and use regular grocery bags in it. Contains the smell of dirty wipes and the occasional disposable just fine between weekly emptyings, plus I can use it for regular trash, too.

    I was always grossed out by the Diaper Genie when I used to babysit as a teen. I didn't like having to push the diapers through the opening.

  13. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: I only really notice it when it's full! Most of the time, it's pretty good.

  14. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    we just keep a tiny trash can in the room and reuse plastic shopping bags and take it out daily.

  15. LemonJack

    persimmon / 1130 posts

    We have a small stainless steel trash can with a lid and have never had problems with any smells in DD's room. I would definitely suggest that. DD is 2 so we've been using it for a couple of years without any issues.

    I know it works well because on occasion the lid has been propped open on accident and it clearly smells in her room, but with the lid closed like it usually is there aren't any problems.

  16. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    I wanted an Ubbi but ended up just getting the cheaper diaper genie and it works just fine! I mean, it stinks for the 5 seconds you open the lid, but otherwise it does the job. Nursery and where we change her 99% of the time is upstairs, so we find that we do need something to contain the diapers till garbage days instead of always taking them downstairs. We don't empty the kitchen garbage daily either.

  17. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    We use an Ubbi when we change LO in his room. When we are downstairs we toss them in the kitchen trash, which gets emptied into the garage bins every other day. Right now LO is not on solids and his diapers don't stink. We also wrap up the pampers nice & snug before disposing them.

  18. mrsbubbletea

    nectarine / 2821 posts

    Does anyone ever think about how crazy the landfill is with long plastic tubes with diapers wrapped tightly in it? That is so nuts.

  19. JenGirl

    clementine / 756 posts

    We have two Diaper Genies (one on each floor) and we love them! I think they're easy to use and contain the smell very well. There was no way I was going to take out each individual diaper, especially overnight. I stock up on the replacements when they're on sale and it's really not bad. Well worth the convenience.

  20. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    We have an Ubbi, but only used it before solids. After solids we just throw pee diapers in our regular trash. and for poop diapers (I never dump the poop in the toilet....) I wrap those diapers in one of those small doggie poop bags, tie the end and throw that in the regular trash can too

  21. petitenoisette

    pear / 1521 posts

    @junebugsmama: Yea, it's kind of messed up...

    I dump poop in the toilet. We cloth diaper about half the time so I'm already used to doing it and then I can just toss the diapers in the regular trashcan.

  22. Anagram

    eggplant / 11716 posts

    We've never used a special diaper pail. We live in a 6 story building with a trash shoot at the end of the hall. BF poops don't stink and can be in a regular trash can all week and not smell. Once the kiddos start solids at 6 months (my kids in particular), their poops have gone down to 1 time a day, sometimes 2. And those diapers I put in plastic grocery sacks, tie tightly, (I save them for this) and take them to the trash shoot at some point that day.

    The regular trash can rarely smells with this method--sometimes (like after months of use), it gets a stinky urine smell, but I just wipe down the inside with Clorox wipes, and the smell is gone.


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