Job Offer: 15K less than what you make now, but you would be working where your older two kids go to school and will for the next 5-6 years. Tuition would come at a 50% and 100% discount. Retirement would be a 401K. Would cater to a more involved-parent clientele but also would have an opportunity to learn new things. 225 day contract/1 month off in summer. Work calendar would be identical to children’s school calendar.
Current job: more pay (by 15k), but would pay for tuition for children 1 & 2 at regular cost. Potential for growth and promotion but more job responsibility. Would be able to become more proficient in a second language. Retirement plan is state teacher retirement. 204 day contract, 6 weeks off in summer. Work calendar calls for a need for childcare for older two children 4 weeks out of the year.
Also one more child in the picture who is in daycare full time until age 3. If job offer is taken, would attend school at a 50% tuition discount.