This is really weird advice I'm looking for, but I'm hoping someone can help because I'm at a loss. LO is 4 and has been potty trained for about 2 years, no major issues. For the last few months though, she's been insisting on wiping and wiping and wiping after she pees. She says it drips and she gets upset. For the past 2 weeks or so she's also been insisting she change her underwear after she uses the potty because she thinks they are wet. I kind of just brushed it off, since changing her underwear wasn't causing any harm. She went potty at a restaurant tonight though, and had to stand there several minutes wiping and then got upset she didn't have underwear to change into. Sometimes she may have a drop of pee in there but sometimes she doesn't. I have no idea where to go with this, she can't be changing her underwear at school all the!