persimmon / 1427 posts
Raising my hand. Yes, I frequently feel overwhelmed. I feel like every time we get in a grove, something derails us - work gets crazy, someone is sick, DH is traveling, and on and on. I'm constantly trying to step back and figure out how I can make our routine more streamlined and easier for all. DH is extremely helpful and hands on, which makes a huge difference.
I'm trying to do a better job of prioritizing and organizing my day (and life). Some things that have helped me:
- from the time I walk in the door until LO's bedtime, I do not get on my phone or check email so I can be 100% focused on LO and family time.
- I lay out LO's clothes for the week every Sunday, so I don't have to find socks or think about what she should wear for the day.
- We run the dishwasher every night and unload it every morning (pump parts and bottles get washed, and things don't stack up in the sink).
- Every weekend I make a large main dish and freeze half. That way we have dinner in the fridge for a couple of nights during the week. I've been doing this for a while so I now I also thaw something from the freezer for another couple of meals.
- I schedule my personal appointments (hair cuts, mani/pedis, etc) for Friday night after LO has gone to bed. I know work won't get in the way, LO is asleep so I'm not missing quality time, and its a great way to take care of me.
- I have a running shopping list in my phone for the grocery store, target, etc. As soon as I notice we are running low or out of something, it goes on the list. This cuts down on unnecessary trips to the store.
- I shop online for as many things as possible to cut down on trips to the store.
Talking to other working moms helps keep me sane. It helps me realize that motherhood is hard and I'm not the only one struggling.
kiwi / 640 posts
@littlek: how old is your LO? do you ever have the problem of LO playing too much with the lovey? DS eats it and puts it over his face sometimes, and that just makes me nervous! But it really helps to soothe him (when he's not eating it!).
@mslipgloss: i am also horrible at the CIO! DS goes to bed fairly well but it's sort of inconsistent....some nights he falls asleep eating his bottle, other nights he lays down drowsy with paci and lovey, and yet other nights he's like a wild man looking up at me and smiling as soon as i put him down! he sometimes wakes up during the night and i go in because i need to go to work in the morning, and i feel like the longer i let him play/fuss/whatever, the longer i'm going to be up.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@MsLipGloss: It takes awhile for them to get used to the lovey and now he just cuddles with it as opposed to eating it. @buffalove: LO puts his lovey over his face, so once he's asleep, i go and move the lovey. My LO is 8 months. He is usually so tired from daycare he falls right asleep after he gets his lovey. He mostly plays with his lovey when he first wakes up which buys me some time in the morning.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@winniebee: When B does that, I let him play with his lovey until it's 7 a.m. which is his wake up time. If he wakes up early, he will either play with his lovey and roll around his crib for awhile and then fall asleep or fall right back asleep. I only go get him when he actually full on cries unless I need to get him up for the day. I figure if he isn't crying, he's okay to entertain himself for a little while. I know bad mommy wants more sleep.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
So, I officially have interview Tuesday! Wish me luck! It's actually closer to home and they promised me they are flexible with working arrangements.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
Just bumping an old thread to see how everyone was doing and if anyone wanted to vent? I know personally it's been a rough week for me. DH is having an AWFUL week at work. And I quit my current job and my manager did not take it well. But it's almost friday!!
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