We are really good friends with another family whose husband is a big pediatrician in town. By family friends I mean, I babysat his kids when they were little, his kids (now 13 and 15) still stay with us when the two of them go on trips, we spend Christmas with them, we see them socially on a pretty regular basis, etc. I usually use the term "framily" to describe them.

Anyway, I know it's a little early to be worrying about this because I'm not due to June, but I'm afraid of who to choose for a pediatrician. On one hand, I don't want to offend him by choosing someone else, and I do think he is probably one of the best doctors in town and everyone who goes to him loves him. But on the other hand, I've never mixed doctors and friendship before and I don't know if I'm comfortable with a "framily" member knowing my child's whole medical history, and I worry about possible disagreements, etc.

Sorry for the book... Do any of you have a pediatrician who is a family member or one that you see socially as well? How would you feel?