There's a boy's name that my husband and I really like. I'm not going to say it because I want to keep our names secret. It's a fairly traditional, Biblical name but I don't know anyone with it. It's not a super popular name overall, though it is in the top 100. DH doesn't care if a name is popular, but I would prefer not to use a very common name.

However, the name seems to be more popular with African Americans. My husband is African American, and I don't have anything against "ethnic" names at all. In fact, it did cross my mind that this name would particularly suit a man of color for some reason. Out of curiosity I Googled it and it is a top 10 name for African American boys.

I started to wonder if naming a little AA boy this name would be the equivalent of naming a white little boy Jacob or Noah. (No offense to those that choose those awesome names - they are just very popular!) I wouldn't want our son to be fulfilling a stereotype by having a very common name for his ethnicity. I also wouldn't want anyone to think we intentionally chose a "black name" for that reason alone... but maybe I'm over-thinking it.

What do you think? Does it matter? Would you make the same choice?